ETH to KLAY conversion chart
Ethereum to Klaytn correlation
Technical analysis indicates that there is a strong relationship between Ethereum and Klaytn. ETH and KLAY are positively correlated assets and they tend to move together. If ETH price shoots up then there are chances that Klaytn also follows this pattern.
ETH Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, the ETH price is 17995.54 KLAY. According to the Ethereum price chart, the 24-hour change is -0.02%. The total market capitalization of Ethereum is $57212501 with 57449094.58 ETH in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, the Ethereum price hit highs of 18229.92 KLAY and lows of 17875.77 KLAY.
Ethereum Price Prediction
Ethereum is the second most valuable cryptocurrency with a market cap of over $26 Billion as of June 2020. Though there is a huge difference in price between the Ether and Bitcoin, Ethereum is one of the most profitable cryptocurrencies and has an ROI of 8,441.71%. Ethereum price hit an all-time high of $1,432.88 on January 13, 2018. At the beginning of January 2020, Ethereum price was around $130 and grew rapidly in the next few weeks to reach $282.78 in mid-February. By the end of the first quarter, Ethereum price dropped by over a hundred dollars.
In a long-term, 2025 to be more precise, Ethereum price is expected to hit the ten thousand dollar mark. By 2030, Ethereum is predicted to be traded at around $5,000. Though these predictions sound too good to be true, Ethereum has all the potential to hit those prices with adoption and Ethereum 2.0.
Ethereum Wallets
Don't have an ETH wallet yet? Check out our guide to find a perfect match.
We also recommend Trezor, CoolWallet S and Exodus, where you can keep track of live ETH prices as well as instantly exchange Ethereum in the wallet through ChangeHero swap service. Pick one which suits you the best.
ETH to KLAY exchange margin
The closing conversion rate for ETH to KLAY yesterday was {{LAST}}. Considering today’s exchange rate, a transaction of 1 ETH to KLAY would result in an output of 17995.54 KLAY.
How to convert Ethereum to Klaytn
Ethereum and Klaytn comparison
Ethereum was launched in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin. It is an open-source blockchain network with a major emphasis on smart contracts. For starters, smart contracts are pieces of code that automatically processes the transactions once the preset conditions are met. Ethereum is often praised as the Second Generation of blockchain. Ether is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum Blockchain.
Klaytn is a public blockchain focused on the metaverse, GameFi, and the creator economy. Business expansion activities are supported by the Klaytn Growth Fund, which aims to grow the ecosystem built on Klaytn. KLAY tokens are issued through a validation process but incentivize growth and development over maintenance.
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum revolutionized the blockchain by enabling developers to create smart contracts, self-executable programs which process transactions automatically when preset conditions were met. Also, Ethereum enables the development of decentralized applications on the blockchain. Ethereum was launched in 2014 as an open-source platform by Vitalik Buterin along with Gavin Wood, Charles Hoskinson, Anthony Di Lorio and Joseph Lubin.
Ethereum expanded the reach of the blockchain technology which was previously limited to payment systems. Ethereum is a second-generation blockchain and aims to become the “world computer” by replacing the client-server technology with nodes on the blockchain. Ethereum’s capability of hosting applications gave rise to many new tokens on the platform.
Ether is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain and goes with the ticker ETH. Ethereum uses the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm for confirming transactions and securing the network. Ether is issued through mining and can be used by the developers to pay for the developing, hosting applications and also to process transactions.
Ethereum to Klaytn price details
ETH to KLAY Conversion Rate and Price
At the moment, the conversion rate for 1 ETH equals to 17995.54 KLAY. The 24-hour highest price of Ethereum in relation to KLAY was 18229.92 KLAY and the lowest was 17875.77 KLAY. In short, ETH price in relation to KLAY changed by -0.02%.
Instantly Exchange ETH to KLAY
On ChangeHero you can instantly exchange Ethereum to Klaytn without registrations. You can easily convert ETH to KLAY in a few clicks without worrying about the rates and fees. ChangeHero offers both Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your ETH to KLAY exchange.
ETH to KLAY Best Rate Exchange
In the the Best Rate exchange of Ethereum to Klaytn, we search through various exchanges for the ETH to KLAY pair and find the best rate available in the market. We provide you with an estimation of the amount of KLAY you will receive.
As soon as you accept the terms and the ETH is deposited, the exchange will be automatically processed. We remind you that the final amount of KLAY you receive may vary slightly due to the volatility in the price of the cryptocurrencies which affects the conversion rate of ETH to KLAY.
ETH to KLAY Fixed Rate Conversion
In the the Fixed Rate exchange of Ethereum to Klaytn, ChangeHero finds a good rate for the pair ETH to KLAY and fix the rate for up to 15 minutes. In the Best Rate exchange of ETH to KLAY, you will receive the exact amount of KLAY which was shown in the estimate.
ChangeHero is a non-custodial service and never holds your cryptocurrency. As soon as the exchange is completed, we send your assets to the specified KLAY address. ChangeHero is the best place to exchange ETH to KLAY fast and safe at the best rates.
Frequently asked questions
How long does it take to convert ETH to KLAY?
Usually, it takes around 15 minutes but the time may vary depending on how busy the network is.
Do I need an account to exchange ETH to KLAY?
No, you do not require an account to swap ETH to KLAY on ChangeHero. There will be no registrations for your Ethereum to Klaytn transaction.
Do I need to go through KYC procedures for ETH to KLAY exchange?
There will be no KYC for the ETH to KLAY exchange. However, if our threat detection system raises the alarm then we ask you to complete a simple verification procedure which takes a few minutes.
Can I exchange KLAY to ETH?
Yes, you can instantly exchange KLAY to ETH on ChangeHero.
Buy and sell Ethereum
Looking to buy Ethereum? On ChangeHero you can buy ETH with credit or debit card. Also, you can sell your cryptocurrency on ChangeHero for US Dollars and Euro. Give it a try.