Litecoin Price

Live Litecoin Price Chart
LTC Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, the LTC price is 91.23429$. According to the Litecoin price chart, the 24-hour change is 4.53%. The total market capitalization of Litecoin is $6899466859 with 75623614 LTC in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, the Litecoin price hit highs of 93.21$ and lows of 83.39$.

Litecoin Price prediction
Litecoin is one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies with over 2 Billion Dollars of market capitalization as of June 2020. Litecoin price in January was just above $40 and the price almost doubled within a few weeks. Bears hit the market due to the COVID-19 and Litecoin price plummeted to $27 in March. Litecoin price recovered along with the market in the second quarter and one Litecoin was traded in the range of $40–45 in June.It is predicted that Litecoin price will be $1,200 in a few years from now. By 2030, Litecoin price is expected to reach $1,500. All these numbers seem to be very optimistic but the pace at which Litecoin is being adopted and the implementation of updates to the chain may take the Litecoin price to new heights soon.
Litecoin Wallets
Did you know that popular cryptocurrency wallets such as Trezor, Coolwallet S, and Exodus wallet have already integrated ChangeHero? Yes, with these wallets you can track live Litecoin price and also exchange it without leaving the application. Give them a try.
Litecoin Exchange
ChangeHero is an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform supporting the most popular cryptocurrencies. You can exchange Litecoin to any other cryptocurrencies or the other way around. We offer two types of rates for your Litecoin exchange — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate LTC exchange, we pick the best rate in the market and the final amount you receive may differ from the estimation due to volatility. Fixed Rate Litecoin exchange is the best way to avoid volatility, we fix a good rate and bear the risks for you. You can be sure that in both cases your cryptocurrency is safe and our support team will assist you throughout the process of exchange.
How to exchange Litecoin
What is Litecoin?
Litecoin is one of the oldest altcoins. It was developed in 2011 with Charlie Lee heading the project. Litecoin envisions to be a lighter version of Bitcoin in which users can spend LTC anywhere faster and cheaper. While Bitcoin is hailed as the Digital Gold, Litecoin is known as the Digital Silver. Though Litecoin is developed from the Bitcoin source code, it is technically not a fork and doesn’t share any transaction history with Bitcoin.Litecoin is similar to Bitcoin in terms of the block size limit which is capped at 1MB. The total supply of LTC is limited to 84 Million and new LTC is issued through mining. The block reward is also halved to make sure that Litecoin price remains intact. In terms of technology, Litecoin is ahead of Bitcoin and supports SegWit along with Atomic swaps. Litecoin is often addressed as Bitcoin Lite but it is much more than that. Litecoin is driving adoption with a cryptocurrency that can be used anywhere in the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Litecoin exchange?
We charge a reasonable fee of 0.5% for the Litecoin exchange.
Is Litecoin a good investment?
Litecoin is on a mission to take crypto to the masses. LTC is widely accepted by merchants as a means of payment. Litecoin price is closely related to its development and adoption. Check out this price prediction for more details and make your choice.
How long does it take to exchange Litecoin?
It does not take more than 15 minutes to process your Litecoin exchange. However, the time may vary depending on the blockchain load.
Can I exchange Litecoin without KYC?
The KYC procedure is not required to exchange LTC. If we find any discrepancies with the source of the crypto assets, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure.
Do I need to create an account to exchange Litecoin?
No, you will not be asked to register to exchange LTC. You can use the exchange services provided on ChangeHero platform without any account.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for LTC?
We consider Litecoin received after 2 blockchain confirmations.