Live XLM Price

Live Stellar Lumen Price Chart
Live XLM Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, XLM price is 0.301271$ and the 24-hour change is 4.00%. The market cap of Stellar today is $15064072523 with a total of 50001786892 XLM in circulation. In the past 24 hours, XLM price peaked at 0.2994$ and the least price was 0.2922$.

XLM Wallets
Don’t have a wallet yet?We recommend Trezor, CoolWallet S, and Exodus wallet. In all of these wallets, you can manage and track live XLM price and also instantly exchange Stellar through ChangeHero. You don’t have to leave the application or create accounts to swap your Stellar.
How to exchange Stellar
Exchange Stellar Lumens
On ChangeHero, you can exchange XLM against a wide range of cryptocurrencies. For your XLM exchange, we offer two types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate XLM exchange, you will be given the best available rate in the market. Please note that the final amount of crypto you receive may differ slightly from the estimate. In the Fixed Rate XLM exchange, we freeze a good rate for 15 minutes, it’s optimal to avoid price fluctuations during the XLM exchange. In any case, we process your XLM exchange in a few minutes and deliver crypto safely to your wallet.
What is Stellar?
Scaling is a key issue faced by many blockchains. Though cryptocurrencies provide a secure and decentralized means of digital payment, longer transaction processing times are hindering the mass adoption. Stellar is an open-source blockchain that is highly scalable and capable of confirming transactions almost instantly. It can handle 1,000 transactions per second. Stellar came into existence as a result of the Ripple hard fork in the year 2014. Stellar Development Foundation (SDF), a non-profit organization that was set up in the same year oversees the development and growth of the Stellar blockchain.Stellar shares many similarities with its sister blockchain, Ripple, and functions similar to SWIFT. Stellar connects the financial institutions with the blockchain. Banks, exchanges, and global payment services use the Stellar network to process cross-border transactions quickly at a low fee. Lumen is the native cryptocurrency of the Stellar blockchain and XLM is its trading ticker. Though Stellar supports all the digital currencies, users are required to hold a small amount of XLM to conduct transactions on the network. XLM can also be traded against other cryptocurrencies.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Stellar exchange?
We charge a low fee of 0.5% for your Stellar exchange.
How long does it take to exchange Stellar?
In general, it takes around 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to complete a KYC procedure for exchanging XLM?
No, you are not required to complete a KYC procedure for Stellar exchange. However, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy Stellar with Paypal?
No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy XLM by trading other cryptocurrencies.
Where can I find the latest XLM news?
You are in the right place, we publish all the latest XLM news on our blog. Give it a try!
Do I need to create an account to exchange Stellar?
ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to create an account for your Stellar exchange.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for XLM?
We consider Stellar received after 1 blockchain confirmation.