Coinomi wallet

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About Coinomi Wallet

Coinomi is a multi-asset wallet that supports over 125 blockchains and thousands of tokens. It gained popularity in the crypto community due to its ergonomic user interface and rigid security. Coinomi is one of the first cryptocurrency wallets launched in 2014 by blockchain experts with aims to become the world’s most pragmatic blockchain wallet.This wallet enables users to store a wide range of digital currency for fast and easy trading. Coinomi claims it uses groundbreaking security to make the best use of blockchain in serving its users. It is a non-custodial wallet and offers users with full control of the funds and transaction fees. Users can rest assured that utmost security is guaranteed as the private keys never leave their device.


Coinomi claims to be the most versatile global cryptocurrency wallet. Users can avail the services using Android, iOS apps and  the recently launched Desktop apps. The service is available in over 25 different languages with sync across all the platforms in real-time. Coinomi also has an In-app exchange feature for instant cryptocurrency exchange within the wallet. Users can also cold stake supported assets and earn rewards.Privacy and anonymity are noteworthy features of Coinomi. No personal information is be collected and users are not required to go through any KYC procedures for availing their services. In addition, all the IP addresses are hidden during the transactions and a new wallet address is created for each transaction for enhanced privacy.Coinomi uses a seed phrase to secure the account. In the case of loss of device or theft, the user can restore the wallet along with the funds using the seed phrase and migrate all the information to another device instantly. Also, a user can reinforce the security of the wallet by opting for an additional PIN/password or biometric app lock feature, all secured with own encryption settings.


Coinomi supports SegWit-enabled blockchains for faster confirmation rates, the team is looking forward to adding Lightning Network and atomic swaps through own full Bitcoin node in the near future. The team claims to be a never-hacked service, offering the easiest and quickest way to manage cryptocurrencies. All in all, Coinomi is a cryptocurrency wallet with a sleek user-interface, wide variety of coins and tokens with high security.

How to exchange coins on ChangeHero with Coinomi Wallet?

If you are looking to invest in the cryptocurrency you are in the right place. ChangeHero is one of the most trusted instant cryptocurrency exchange platforms supporting over 140 cryptocurrencies for exchange. We offer the best rates available in the market for all your transactions.

Choose assets to exchange

Select cryptocurrencies you want to swap and insert the amount. ChangeHero will automatically calculate the amount of assets to be received.


Provide the Wallet address

Copy the Wallet address of payout currency and paste it to ChangeHero platform.


Confirm transaction

Check all the data one more time and confirm the transaction.


Send your assets

Copy ChangeHero deposit address and transfer your assets from the Wallet.



Check your wallet. ChangeHero delivers assets in 5-15 minutes.


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