Trust Wallet

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About Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet app is the official wallet of Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange services. It is an open-source multi-currency wallet launched in 2017 and acquired by Binance the following year. Trust Wallet supports major cryptocurrencies, all the ERC20 and ERC233 tokens that take the total count to a whopping 30,000 tokens.It claims to provide its users with a unified wallet address that can be used to manage both Ethereum and ERC20 in Trust Wallet at one place. It enables the user to send, receive Ethereum and also participate in various ICOs with a single wallet address. The wallet is well known to be the go-to place for beginners with its intuitive interface, fast and easy-to-understand platform.


Using the wallet, users can store, manage and trade cryptocurrency in a safe environment. As of now, Trust is a mobile device platform with apps for both iOS and Android smartphones. Besides, there is also an in-app exchange to swap or buy various cryptocurrencies. Also, Trust wallet supports Binance DEX and Kyber Network protocol for decentralized exchanges.Trust Wallet is much more than a simple cryptocurrency wallet. It has Web3 browser that allows users to interact with decentralized applications directly from the app. Trust Wallet is a free-to-use platform and the gas fee is charged to pay for the miners on the Ethereum network to confirm transaction and process them.Privacy and anonymity are the core features of the Trust Wallet. Installing and setting up an account in the wallet doesn’t require any personal information. The team promises that it will never ask or collect private data of its users. Trust Wallet uses a client-side security model and it can never have access to the user accounts and funds. All private keys are stored locally and never go out of the user device. Users can also enable Fingerprint and Facial recognition features to reinforce security. The 12-word passphrase can be used to restore the wallet along with the funds if a user’s device was lost.


Conversely, Trust Wallet misses out on some key features like support for two-factor authentication, hardware wallet integration and a desktop version of the wallet. On the whole, Trust Wallet lives up to its name and provides a quick, secure and simple-to-use cryptocurrency wallet. Trust Wallet also functions as a platform for bridging the gap between the users and dApps.

How to exchange coins on ChangeHero with Trust Wallet Wallet?

ChangeHero is one of the most trusted instant cryptocurrency platforms supporting a wide range of coins and tokens for exchange. Simply sit back and relax! For all your transactions, you will be provided with the best rates available in the market.

Choose assets to exchange

Select cryptocurrencies you want to swap and insert the amount. ChangeHero will automatically calculate the amount of assets to be received.


Provide the Wallet address

Copy the Wallet address of payout currency and paste it to ChangeHero platform.


Confirm transaction

Check all the data one more time and confirm transaction in Trust Wallet.


Send your assets

Copy the ChangeHero deposit address and transfer your assets from the Wallet.



Check your wallet. ChangeHero delivers assets in 5–15 minutes.


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