Brd wallet

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About BRD Wallet

Formerly known as Bread wallet, BRD is an open-source and free-to-use cryptocurrency wallet. It's one of the long-standing Bitcoin wallets and supports Ethereum and few other cryptocurrencies as well. BRD wallet was launched in 2015 by Adam Traidman and Aaron Voisine with the sole purpose of providing financial freedom and empowering people with the benefits offered by the Bitcoin.BRD claims that it has 2 million users in over 170 countries. It gained popularity among the crypto community due to its user-friendly platform and robust security infrastructure. It is developed for the amateurs and is considered one of the easiest Bitcoin wallets to use.


With the BRD wallet, users can manage, store and trade cryptocurrency. Users are not required to set up an account or register for availing the services in the wallet. BRD wallet is a mobile-only wallet and the apps are available for both iOS and Android smartphones. Besides, users can buy Ethereum or ERC-20 token either with crypto or fiat currency in the app. BRD token is the native utility token of this platform, it powers the loyalty and rewards program. Token holders will be able to receive discounts on trading fees and some mystery perks which are yet to be revealed.BRD is designed to provide privacy and security for its users. It connects directly to the Bitcoin network without any servers in between. This, in turn, makes it hard for hackers to get their hands on your crypto assets. All personal information and keys are stored locally and will never leave the user devices.Users also have the opportunity to add an extra layer of security by opting for a PIN, touch-ID and facial recognition. BRD is hierarchical deterministic and produces a new address for every transaction making it highly secure, and prevents third parties from tracking the transactions. In case of the loss of wallet, users can restore the wallet along with funds by using the 12-word passphrase and migrate it to another device.


BRD was often criticised for the absence of two-factor authentication and multi-signature transactions. Also, one of the major concerns is limited support for various altcoins. Despite the drawbacks, BRD wallet is faring well in the crypto community by providing the users with a quick fix for storing, managing Bitcoin and other popular coins.

How to exchange coins on ChangeHero with BRD Wallet?

ChangeHero takes you to the crypto world in an instant. With a wide range of cryptocurrencies and delivering the best rates available on the market, ChangeHero stands as one of the most reliable instant cryptocurrency exchange platforms. All the transactions are quick and secure.

Choose assets to exchange

Select cryptocurrencies you want to swap and insert the amount. ChangeHero will automatically calculate the amount of assets to be received.


Provide the Wallet address

Copy the Wallet address of payout currency and paste it to ChangeHero platform.


Confirm transaction

Check all the data one more time and confirm the transaction.


Send your assets

Copy ChangeHero deposit address and transfer your assets from the Wallet.



Check your wallet. ChangeHero delivers assets in 5–15 minutes.


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