Exchange FTM to BTC with Lowest Fees

Convert Fantom instantly. Exchange FTM to BTC at the best rates and low fees. No account needed

FTM to BTC conversion chart

Fantom to Bitcoin correlation

According to the correlation analysis, FTM and BTC have a strong relationship with each other and are correlated. Whenever there is a change in the price of FTM then BTC also tends to follow the same pattern and move together.

FTM Price Change and Market Cap

At the moment, FTM price is 0.000007 BTC and it changed by 20.60% in the last 24 hours. Fantom has a total market capitalization of $0 today. 0 FTM is in circulation. The 24-hour highest price of FTM was 0.00000726 BTC and the lowest was 0.00000726 BTC.

Fantom price prediction

Like many cryptocurrencies, before 2021 Fantom was trading for much lower prices than now. Its pre-bull run range was confined to $0.01~0.02. Which is why the jumps to $3 in 2021 were incredible but nonetheless real. However, after Andre Cronje departed from crypto, the confidence in the Fantom network took a hit and it returned down to the range near $0.25.One of FTM crypto price predictions suggests the coin could average $1.7 in 2022, $2.42 in 2023, and $4.82 by 2025. Its forecast speculates FTM could further rise to $36 by 2030. 

Fantom Wallets

Looking for a wallet?We handpicked some of the best for you. In Trezor, Coolwallet S, and Exodus you can store Fantom, track live FTM prices and also swap it through ChangeHero without leaving your wallet application.

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FTM to BTC exchange margin

The closing conversion rate for FTM to BTC yesterday was {{LAST}}. Considering today’s exchange rate, a transaction of 1 FTM to BTC would result in an output of 0.000007 BTC.

How to convert Fantom to Bitcoin

Enter the amount and provide your address

Enter the amount of FTM and click "Exchange". Provide the BTC wallet address.


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.


Send FTM

ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send FTM there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your BTC is on the way to your Wallet!


Fantom and Bitcoin comparison

FTM is the native token of Fantom, a smart-contract platform created to compete with the Ethereum blockchain by offering faster transactions at lower network fees. The Fantom blockchain is implementing a novel complex consensus mechanism using directed acyclic graph (DAG) instead of blockchain. FTM token’s use cases include governance, transaction fees, and staking. Bitcoin was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 with the idea of providing a peer-to-peer payment system using blockchain technology. Bitcoin network is decentralized and has an immutable record of transactions. The sole purpose of Bitcoin is to enable a means of payment system for people to transact value without any middlemen.

What is Fantom?

Fantom is a layer-one distributed ledger that uses a direct acyclic graph (DAG) to secure transactions. DAG achieves near-instant finality because it allows transactions to be processed asynchronously. Fantom supports several application layers, each secured with the FTM token. FTM is necessary for staking, paying transaction fees and voting.The main principles that Fantom uses were described in 2018 by a set of researchers and cryptographers. Key contributions were made by Quan Nguyen, Sang-Min Choi, Jiho Park, Michael Kong and Andre Cronje. The testnet for the platform went live in 2018, and v.0.1 with Opera was released on the mainnet in December 2019.

FTM to Bitcoin price details

FTM to BTC Conversion Rate and Price

At the moment, the conversion rate for 1 FTM equals 0.000007 BTC. The 24-hour highest price of FTM in relation to BTC was 0.00000726 BTC and the lowest was 0.00000726 BTC. In short, FTM price in relation to BTC changed by 20.60%.

Instantly Exchange FTM to BTC

On ChangeHero you can instantly exchange Fantom to Bitcoin without registrations. You can easily convert FTM to BTC in a few clicks without worrying about the rates and fees. ChangeHero offers both the Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your FTM to BTC exchange.

FTM to BTC Best Rate Exchange

For the Best Rate exchange of Fantom to Bitcoin, we search through various exchanges for the FTM to BTC pair and find the best rate available in the market. We provide you with an estimation of the amount of BTC you will receive.As soon as you accept the terms and the FTM is deposited, the exchange will be automatically processed. We remind you that the final amount of BTC you receive may vary slightly due to the volatility in the price of the cryptocurrencies which affects the conversion rate of FTM to BTC.

FTM to BTC Fixed Rate Conversion

For the Fixed Rate exchange of Fantom to Bitcoin, ChangeHero finds a good rate for the pair FTM to BTC and fixes the rate for up to 15 minutes. In the Best Rate exchange of FTM to BTC, you will receive the exact amount of BTC which was shown in the estimate.ChangeHero is a non-custodial service and never holds your cryptocurrency. As soon as the exchange is completed, we send your assets to the mentioned BTC address. ChangeHero is the best place to exchange FTM to BTC fast and safe at the best rates.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to convert FTM to BTC?

Usually, it takes around 15 minutes but the time may vary depending on how busy the network is.

Do I need an account to exchange FTM to BTC?

No, you do not require an account to swap FTM to BTC on ChangeHero. There will be no registrations for your Fantom to Bitcoin transaction.

Do I need to go through KYC procedures for FTM to BTC exchange?

There will be no KYC for the FTM to BTC exchange. However, if our threat detection system raises the alarm then we ask you to complete a simple verification procedure that takes a few minutes.

Can I exchange BTC to FTM?

Yes, you can instantly exchange BTC to FTM on ChangeHero.

Buy and sell Bitcoin

Are you looking to sell Bitcoin? Now, on ChangeHero you can buy and sell BTC with a credit or debit card. Also, you can see your cryptocurrency on ChangeHero to US Dollars and Euro. Give it a try.

Coin price change

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