Swap Tezos (XTZ) Instantly

Swap XTZ Instantly & Account-free

Tezos Price

0.7005 $
0.6693 $

Live Tezos Price Chart

XTZ Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, XTZ price is 0.697167$ and the 24-hour change is -4.52%. The market cap of Tezos today is $734828384 with a total of 1054021317 XTZ in circulation. In the past 24 hours, XTZ price peaked at 0.7005$ and the lowest price was 0.6693$.

Coin price change

Tezos price prediction

Tezos is one of the few cryptocurrencies which created a buzz in its early days. In 2017, XTZ had one of the biggest ICOs ever and bagged over $200 Million from the investors. Tezos price saw many ups and downs in 2020, Tezos price at the beginning of the year was just above a dollar. XTZ price took off over the next 45 days and reached a peak of $3.78 on February 20. With COVID-19 and economic unrest, Tezos price fluctuated dramatically and by the end of June, XTZ price was around $2.61.Analyses show that by 2025 Tezos price is expected to grow further and is likely to be traded in double digits in the range of $14 to $20. This is very much plausible in the event of more Dapps and developments in the network. We have also heard that by 2030 Tezos price will be over a grand, sounds too good to be true and too early to predict.

Tezos Wallets

Looking for a wallet?We handpicked some of the best for you. In Trezor, Coolwallet S, and Exodus you can store Tezos, track live XTZ prices and also swap it through ChangeHero without leaving your wallet application.

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Tezos Exchange

On ChangeHero you can exchange Tezos against the most popular cryptocurrencies. For your Tezos exchange, we offer two different types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. Choose the Best Rate for your Tezos exchange if you are looking to get the best rate available at the moment of the exchange. Fixed Rate is apt for you if you want to avoid the volatility, we cover the risks for you. Either way, you can be sure that your transaction will be completed in no time.

How to exchange Tezos

Enter the amount and provide your address

Choose the XTZ pair you want to trade and input your Wallet address(es).


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.


Send XTZ

ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send funds there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your assets are on the way to your Wallet!


What is Tezos?

Tezos is a decentralized blockchain for building Dapps and smart contracts. Tezos is initiated by the husband and wife duo Arthur Breitman and Kathleen Breitman in 2014. It took over three years for the project to have an ICO, but the wait is worth as Tezos raised $232 million, making it one of the biggest ICOs ever. At a first glance, Tezos appears to be similar to Ethereum but you may be mistaken. if you believe so. Tezos has several distinctive features such as Self-amendment, On-chain governance and Baking (Staking Tezos) that sets it apart from the rest.Tezos is coded from scratch and did not adopt any code from other blockchains. Tez is the native cryptocurrency of the network and goes with the ticker XTZ. Tezos uses Liquid Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm and the process of staking is called as Baking. On-chain governance is employed to avoid any forks in the chain and developers can submit proposals to update the chain in which stakeholders vote to decide. With zk-SNARKS and Tendermint in the roadmap, the future of Tezos looks promising.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you charge any fee for Tezos exchange?

ChangeHero charges a reasonable fee of 0.5% on your Tezos exchange.

What is the average processing time for exchanging Tezos?

We process your transaction within 15 minutes. In a few cases, the time may vary due to technical issues on the blockchain.

Can I exchange Tezos without KYC?

You can exchange Tezos without going through a KYC procedure. We may ask you to complete a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.

Do I need an account to exchange Tezos?

Forget about registrations and accounts. You don’t need an account to exchange Tezos on ChangeHero.

How many blockchain confirmations are needed for XTZ?

We consider Tezos received after 15 blockchain confirmations.

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