Swap Starknet (STRK) Instantly

Swap, Buy and Sell STRK Instantly

Live STRK Price

0 $
0 $

Live STRK Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, STRK price is 0.00001$. According to the Starknet price chart, the 24-hour change is -7.67%. The total market capitalization of Starknet is $5800372070 with 0 STRK in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, Starknet price hit highs of 0$ and lows of 0$.

Starknet Price Prediction

The StarkNet token (STK) was in development as part of the broader StarkNet protocol, which aims to provide scalable solutions for Ethereum. However, if the StarkNet protocol gains traction and successfully addresses scalability challenges on Ethereum, the StarkNet token could see increased utility and demand, potentially leading to price appreciation.

Additionally, factors such as network upgrades, ecosystem developments, regulatory changes, and broader market trends would also influence its trajectory. It’s essential to monitor the project’s updates, adoption metrics, and industry trends for a more informed outlook.

Starknet Exchange

On ChangeHero, you can exchange Starknet against a wide range of cryptocurrencies. For your Starknet exchange, we offer two types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate Starknet exchange, you will be given the best available rate in the market. Please note that the final amount of crypto you receive may differ slightly from the estimate. In the Fixed Rate Starknet exchange, we freeze a good rate for 15 minutes, it’s optimal to avoid price fluctuations during the Starknet exchange. In any case, we process your Starknet exchange in a few minutes and deliver crypto safely to your wallet.

Buy Starknet

Now it's easier than ever to buy Starknet ! On ChangeHero you can buy Starknet with a credit card and debit card. You can buy Starknet with USD, EUR, and many other fiat currencies in a few clicks. Simply complete a one-time verification procedure and you are all set.

Sell Starknet

Looking to sell Starknet? We got you covered! You can sell Starknet for fiat in a few minutes on ChangeHero. You can sell STRK for USD, EUR and RUB without any complicated procedures. Complete a one-time verification procedure and cash will be delivered to your bank account almost instantly.

How to exchange Starknet

Enter the amount and provide your address

Choose the STRK pair you want to trade and input your Wallet address(es).


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.



ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send funds there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your assets are on the way to your Wallet!


What is Starknet?

StarkNet is a permissionless decentralized Validity-Rollup (also known as a “ZK-Rollup”). It operates as an L2 network over Ethereum, enabling any dApp to achieve unlimited scale for its computation – without compromising Ethereum’s composability and security, thanks to StarkNet’s reliance on the safest and most scalable cryptographic proof system – STARK.StarkNet Contracts and the StarkNet OS are written in Cairo – supporting the deployment and scaling of any use case, whatever the business logic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for StarkNet exchange?

We charge a low fee of 0.5% for your StarkNet exchange.

How long does it take to exchange StarkNet ?

Usually, it takes less than 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.

Do I need to go through a KYC procedure for exchanging STRK?

No, you are not required to go through a KYC procedure for StarkNet exchange. In some cases, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.

Where can I find the latest StarkNet news?

Subscribe to ChangeHero blog for all the latest StarkNet News and updates.

Is there any way to track live STRK price?

Yes, use our StarkNet price chart to monitor the live STRK price, we update the prices constantly.

Can I buy StarkNet with Paypal?

No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy STRK with credit card or debit card.

Do I need to create an account to exchange StarkNet?

ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to register for your StarkNet exchange.

How many blockchain confirmations are needed for STRK?

We consider StarkNet received after 1 blockchain confirmation.

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