Swap Bitcoin SV (BSV) Instantly

Swap BSV Instantly & Account-free

Bitcoin SV Price

35.90 $
32.12 $

Live Bitcoin SV Price Chart

BSV Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, BSV price is 33.52075$. According to the Bitcoin SV price chart, the 24-hour change is -6.04%. The total market capitalization of Bitcoin SV is $664756757 with 19831203 BSV in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, Bitcoin SV price hit highs of 35.9$ and lows of 32.12$.

Coin price change

Bitcoin SV price prediction

Bitcoin SV price performance in the past can be compared to a roller-coaster ride. BSV had a flying start to 2020, in the first two weeks of January, Bitcoin SV price shot up by 300% and hit an all-time high, $441.20 on January 14, 2020. The celebration didn’t last long, Bitcoin SV price plummeted in the following days taking the price to the levels of $250. The bearish trend did not end there and Bitcoin SV price further slipped to $150 by the end of the Q1 2020. In the second quarter, BSV price appears to have remained steady without any major changes.Analysts predict that BSV coin would continue to grow in the future and Bitcoin SV price would be around $700 in 2025. We are sure that Bitcoin SV price will rise in the long run but it’s too early to predict for the year 2030 as BSV is relatively new. In any case, technological developments in the project and adoption are the key points which drive the value of Bitcoin SV.

Bitcoin SV Wallets

Not sure which wallet to pick?Try Exodus or Edge Wallet, they are secure and easy to use. You can store BSV, and track live Bitcoin SV prices with ease. On top of that, you can exchange your BSV through ChangeHero without leaving the application.

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Bitcoin SV Exchange

Looking for how to invest in Bitcoin SV? ChangeHero is the most reliable instant exchange to swap Bitcoin SV. We have a wide range of cryptocurrencies listed on the platform and you can choose the one you want to pair BSV with. We also give you a choice for the type of rate for your Bitcoin SV exchange. If volatility is not an issue then you can pick the Best Rate and if you want to avoid it, Fixed Rate is the right choice. Also, our support team is available round the clock to assist if you encounter any issues during the exchange.

How to exchange Bitcoin SV

Enter the amount and provide your address

Choose the BSV pair you want to trade and input your Wallet address(es).


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.


Send BSV

ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send funds there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes - your assets are on the way to your Wallet!


What is Bitcoin SV?

Bitcoin SV is a cryptocurrency formed after the Bitcoin Cash hard fork in 2018. Bitcoin SV stands for Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. It was forked to reflect the native philosophy of Bitcoin and create a blockchain which features stability, scalability, security and safe instant transactions. Craig Wright, Calvin Ayre and Jimmy Nguyen are some of the prominent figures who back the development of Bitcoin SV.Bitcoin SV is similar to Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash in many aspects. Bitcoin SV also uses the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm and new BSV is issued as a reward for the miners. In 2020, as a part of the Genesis upgrade, Bitcoin SV team completely removed the limits on block size enabling the chain to process more transactions per second. Despite the harsh criticism regarding the claims for Satoshi Nakomoto’s identity, Bitcoin SV advanced well over the years both economically and technologically and has a strong community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for Bitcoin SV exchange?

For the Bitcoin SV exchange, we charge a reasonable fee of 0.5%.

Is Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin the same?

Bitcoin SV was formed as a result of the hard fork in the Bitcoin Blockchain. A significant difference is with the block size limit, while Bitcoin is capped at 1MB, Bitcoin SV has no such limit. This gives Bitcoin SV an edge over Bitcoin as it can process more transactions per second.

How long does it take to process Bitcoin SV exchange?

Usually, it takes less than 15 minutes for the Bitcoin SV exchange to be processed. Time may vary in some cases when there’s an issue with the blockchain and it’s beyond the control of ChangeHero.

Do I need to complete KYC to exchange Bitcoin SV?

To exchange Bitcoin SV you are not required to go through a KYC procedure. However, we ask you to complete the KYC if our threat detection system raises an alarm.

Should I create an account to exchange Bitcoin SV?

No, you don’t have to create an account to exchange BSV. You will not be asked to register to avail the exchange services on ChangeHero.

How many blockchain confirmations are needed for BSV?

We consider Bitcoin SV received after 100 blockchain confirmations.

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