Live ATOM Price
Live Cosmos Price Chart
Live ATOM Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, the ATOM price is 4.478106$ and the 24-hour change is 1.48%. The market cap of Cosmos today is $1948670114 with a total of 435154993 ATOM in circulation. In the past 24 hours, the ATOM price peaked at 4.677$ and the lowest price was 4.372$.
Cosmos Wallets
Don’t have a wallet yet?We recommend Trezor, CoolWallet S, and Exodus wallet. In all of these wallets, you can manage and track live ATOM price and also instantly exchange Cosmos through ChangeHero. You don’t have to leave the application or create accounts to swap your Cosmos.
How to exchange Cosmos
What is Cosmos?
The idea behind Cosmos is to provide an open source platform for the multitudes of blockchain applications (from simple monetary systems to virtual machines) that will be uniformly secured by a common algorithm. The Cosmos blockchains are called zones, and the central zone, called the Cosmos Hub, is secured with the Tendermint BFT algorithm.The Tendermint consensus uses voting to propagate blocks, and appoints a round-leader or proposer from a list. Then it puts out a set of transactions for inclusion in the next block, and the rest of validators vote on it. However, voting on block inclusion is not the only option for validator nodes: they can determine block gas limits, coordinate updates or changes to the constitution of the Cosmos Hub. As a result, each zone allows for a separate governance mechanism and constitution.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Cosmos exchange?
We charge a low fee of 0.5% for your Cosmos exchange.
How long does it take to exchange Cosmos?
In general, it takes around 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to complete a KYC procedure for exchanging ATOM?
No, you are not required to complete a KYC procedure for Cosmos exchange. However, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy Cosmos with Paypal?
No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy ATOM by trading other cryptocurrencies.
Where can I find the latest ATOM news?
You are in the right place, we publish all the latest ATOM news on our blog. Give it a try!
Can I check the live ATOM price?
Our ATOM price chart shows you the live ATOM price and you can also track the price changes in the last 30 days.
Do I need to create an account to exchange Cosmos?
ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to create an account for your Cosmos exchange.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for ATOM?
We consider Cosmos received after 40 blockchain confirmations.