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Women's Day Special: Interview with Crypto Wendy O
Author: changehero


Crypto can be complex at times, and it’s something that is hampering mass adoption. Many individuals and companies in the industry are creating content to increase awareness and to onboard new people. Our guest for today’s interview is Crypto Wendy O. She produces educational content by breaking down complicated topics into easy to understand videos. We asked her about Crypto Twitter, trading, women in crypto and the future. Enjoy the talk!

Into the Cryptoverse

ChangeHero: Let’s start with the name. What’s the story behind the “O” in Crypto Wendy O and The O Show?

Crypto Wendy O: “O” is a circle and circles are forever, they don’t stop and in my eyes, they represent an encompassing eternity. My YouTube channel is here to stay and will encompass all topics crypto and include everyone. 

ChangeHero: Tell us a bit about your background. What was your profession before crypto?

Crypto Wendy O: Before crypto I worked in healthcare servicing clients with infectious disease focusing on HIV/AIDS and coordinating their care from intake and providing them with good qualities of life.

ChangeHero: How did you get into crypto? What caught your attention?

Crypto Wendy O: A family member had asked to borrow my credit card in 2011/2012 to buy Bitcoin and I thought he was crazy! I then grew older and started to understand what was happening around me and used Bitcoin as a tool to make money and opt-out.

ChangeHero: What is your trading strategy and would you recommend it to the readers?

Crypto Wendy O: I trade differently as I pay attention to the markets. Since we are in a bull run I trade less and focus on investing in a solid project, pull out my initial and profit while in bear markets I will trade more and use leverage to increase gains.

ChangeHero: Rekt with trading anytime?

Crypto Wendy O: I have lost a lot. The most notable one was when I was short and Bitcoin pumped about 40% in one day, I lost a lot but made it back, it took some time as it was a big loss.

A look back

ChangeHero: When did you realize that you are on the right path and marketing crypto would work out?

Crypto Wendy O: I just kept the faith and knew I didn’t want to work a 9-5 anymore. I made a point to network and I believed in myself. 

ChangeHero: If you have a chance to change something, what would it be?

Crypto Wendy O: If I went back and changed something I wouldn’t be where I am at today. I do wish I learned about personal boundaries earlier in life.

ChangeHero: Is crypto stressful?

Crypto Wendy O: It can be but realistically, what other job can a stay at home parent do from home and thrive in, I’m blessed I get to provide a good life for my child while making my own schedule and working from home. I’m finishing early today and making pasta with her.  

ChangeHero: What was the most challenging time in crypto?

Crypto Wendy O: The most challenging time was when most of the crypto Twitter attacked me for doing an unpaid interview with a company that ended up failing. I got blamed for their shortcomings when I was doing media for an event that I was not compensated for, the interview was 2m and after that, I was targeted for a long time and still am. I believe it has more to do with me being a female in the space sadly. 

ChangeHero: What do you do in your free time? Any advice to handle stress?

Crypto Wendy O: I box twice a week, martial arts is the only thing that helps me control my mental health issues as I suffer daily and allows me to thrive. 

Enter the Crypto Twitter

ChangeHero: What are the things that you like and don’t like about Crypto Twitter?

Crypto Wendy O: CT is a great place to start to network and I’m so thankful I joined! However, there are a lot of immature malicious people there. I have had people threaten my life, my daughters and try to destroy what I’ve built. It can be hurtful but taking a step back, those who know me know what my intentions are.

ChangeHero: How are other influencers? Do you have any favourites?

Crypto Wendy O: My favourite influencer is my co-host of the Love and Marriage podcast Hotep Jesus. I would call him a public figure he is involved with the Coinbits app allowing folks to have access to Bitcoin and I look forward to working with him in the future and respect his pragmatic approach to crypto and outside factors.

Women in Crypto

ChangeHero: What do you think about the representation of Women in the Crypto and Blockchain industry?

Crypto Wendy O: The professional roles of women in crypto are astounding! However, we are giving the credit we deserve as people pay attention to clickbait and not those of us who educate and build. It will evolve over time.

ChangeHero: How can we change the Gender imbalance?

Crypto Wendy O: There is no need to, change will happen when folks are ready to join, that’s the beauty of Bitcoin and crypto 

ChangeHero: Do female influencers meet up and plan any events or to encourage more women to take part in crypto?

Crypto Wendy O: I can’t speak for other women but I can speak for myself. I have hosted over 4 dozen professional events and crypto meetups and I will not divide due to gender, its defeats the ethos of bitcoin as it is anonymous to an extent.

ChangeHero: Do you have any suggestions for the new and upcoming female influencers?

Crypto Wendy O: Just be you, provide actual value and showcase kindness. Don’t get caught up in ego or needing to prove yourself, your work will speak for you.

Pick one

ChangeHero: Trade or HODL?

Crypto Wendy O: Go 100X long to make it back in one trade (satire).

ChangeHero: Bitcoin or Altcoins?

Crypto Wendy O: Both! 

ChangeHero: Work from home or office?

Crypto Wendy O: Home.

Looking ahead

ChangeHero: What do you think about NFTs? Interested in creating any?

Crypto Wendy O: NFTs are amazing, I grew up around so many talented musicians who fought with their record labels and I believe that is one avenue NTFS can be used for. Also, charity when I was young I couldn’t afford a lot of things the other kids could, I was very poor and ashamed. I was always looking for ways to make extra money and NFTs can be used for kids to create and earn additional income. Possibilities are endless, heck even DV survivors can create NFTs to raise money once they leave the shelter as many of them have nothing.

ChangeHero: Which books do you recommend for a beginner in crypto?

Crypto Wendy O: My free newsletter.

ChangeHero: What do you think about the ongoing rally? Where do you see Bitcoin in the next five years?

Crypto Wendy O: I think it’s great, I’m making a lot of money and I’m excited about the future of Bitcoin as we are in a revolutionary time in the world.

ChangeHero: What’s next for Crypto Wendy O?

Crypto Wendy O: I will keep educating and growing and I have a start-up I’m working on - I think you will love it!

ChangeHero: What message do you want to share with all the women?

Crypto Wendy O: I want to tell all the women reading this that you matter, I see you and your intelligence. Whatever personal shit you have going on keep fighting, we need you and don’t let anyone tear you down because you are worth it. 

That was inspirational, isn’t it? A big thanks to Crypto Wendy O for taking part in the interview. Do check out her YouTube channel and the newsletter.

A note from ChangeHero

Half of our team are women, they are equally important and contributed to the growth of ChangeHero. There are many such talented women in the industry. We are proud to have you all here and thanks for shaping the future of money. We need more of you in crypto.

Happy Women’s Day! You all matter.

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