changehero Blog

Weekly Crypto Digest: Tesla Now Accepting Bitcoin
Author: changehero
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Welcome to the weekly crypto digest by ChangeHero! As usual, we will give a rundown of the crypto market and cover the most significant news. What is the best Altcoin to buy right now?  Tesla, Uniswap, Ripple’s CBDC design, BitClout — everything about these topics and more, right to the point.

Key Takeaways

Latest Cryptocurrency News

Bitcoin Digest

Bitcoin trading chart March 26, 2021
Source: TradingView

Bitcoin News

And that is it for the Bitcoin digest, now let’s see what was happening with the market in general in the crypto digest!

Tech and Altcoin News

Business Cryptocurrency News

Crypto News on Adoption

Cryptocurrency News on Regulation & Politics

Twitter Crypto Digest

The source of the Tesla news, unsurprisingly, would be the Twitter account of Elon Musk. The move to not convert BTC to cash could be the plans of Tesla to increase their Bitcoin holdings.

The NFT boom is often rightfully criticized for exacerbating the Ethereum carbon emissions. To offset the impact, Open Earth foundation has kicked off a month-long awareness and fundraising campaign. 

The first auction on which eight NFTs of different artists, including Beeple, raised $6,662,054. The $6 million was brought in by Justin Sun, who managed to place a winning bet on Beeple this time.

A scorching hot and controversial topic of the week is the new platform BitClout. BitClout monetizes likenesses of celebrities and allows anyone to trade them. Each “coin” is tied to a Twitter profile of the personality.

The controversy stems from the several facts about how the platform works. The only way to get gas token BTCLT is to deposit BTC but you can’t trade BTCLT for BTC back. Signing up to the platform requires a seed phrase and a phone number, and the list goes on.

The only argument in favor if the legitimacy of the platform is prominent investors backing it. The list includes Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz, Winklevoss Capital, Arrington Capital, Polychain, Pantera, Digital Currency Group, Huobi and others.

Influencer of the Week

To conclude the Women’s History month, we want to highlight Trezor co-founder Alena Vránová. Her charisma and dedication which accounted for Trezor’s business development achievements in their early days seeps through everything she writes. Obviously, since it’s Twitter, posts come in various shapes and forms, some less serious in tone than others.

Top Crypto Digest

The total market stats change this week reflect what was described in the Bitcoin digest. Decreasing BTC dominance hints at capital moving into altcoins.

At the moment of writing the crypto digest, the general market stats are:

7d Change in Top Coins

7D coin digest: March 26, 2021
Source: CryptoRank

At the moment of writing this crypto digest, the 7-day change of the top currencies is:

Gainers of the Week

Which crypto will explode in 2021? There are a ton of coins that have not had their chance to shine yet. The ones growing at the time of writing the crypto digest are:


This week had some news that will be certainly interesting to watch unfold. Will Republicans repeal the new stimulus package? Is BitClout legitimate or will they face legal consequences? Will Ripple’s CBDC design get adopted?

These events are certain to end up in one of the next crypto digests in our blog! Live updates and news can be found on our Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Telegram.

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