Swap Polkadot (DOT) Instantly

Swap DOT Instantly & Account-free

Polkadot Price

4.249 $
3.972 $

Live Polkadot Price Chart

DOT Price Change and Market Cap

At the moment, DOT price is 4.165645$ and it changed by -3.09% in the last 24 hours. Polkadot has a total market capitalization of $6482615998 today. 1556209238 DOT is in circulation. The 24-hour highest price of DOT was 4.249$ and the lowest was 3.972$.

Coin price change

Polkadot price prediction

DOT balances were unlocked in a planned update on August 18, 2020. DOT started right in the top-10 but it wasn't until January 2021, that the Bitcoin rally finally helped it take off the ground.  On November 4, 2021, it reached its current ATH: $55.Polkadot price prediction 2022 is slightly more consistent with higher support at $46 and lower targets at $103. Not all experts agree that DOT will reach $100 even by 2025 but those who do are in the majority. Speculations about DOT in 2030 promise enormous growth of up to 4,000%.

Polkadot Wallets

Looking for a wallet?We handpicked some of the best for you. In Trezor, Coolwallet S, and Exodus you can store Polkadot, track live DOT prices and also swap it through ChangeHero without leaving your wallet application.

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Polkadot Exchange

On ChangeHero you can exchange Polkadot against the most popular cryptocurrencies. For your Polkadot exchange, we offer two different types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. Choose the Best Rate for your Polkadot exchange if you are looking to get the best rate available at the moment of the exchange. Fixed Rate will suit you better if you want to avoid the volatility, we cover the risks for you. Either way, you can be sure that your transaction will be completed in no time.

How to exchange Polkadot

Enter the amount and provide your address

Choose the DOT pair you want to trade and input your Wallet address(es).


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.


Send DOT

ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send funds there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your assets are on the way to your Wallet!


What is Polkadot?

Polkadot is a keystone Web 3.0 protocol designed for blockchain interoperability. It unites independent blockchains into a system in which they can interact with each other. More than that, on Polkadot data of any type can travel between and on blockchains. Polkadot itself is a sharding blockchain which allows for creation of parachains.Parachains are individual sub-chains of the network, which are customisable, can be adjusted for specific use cases and have their own tokens. The native token of the network uses the ticker DOT and is used in governance and parachain auctions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you charge any fee for Polkadot exchange?

ChangeHero charges a reasonable fee of 0.5% on your Polkadot exchange.

What is the average processing time for exchanging Polkadot?

We process your transaction within 15 minutes. In a few cases, the time may vary due to technical issues on the blockchain.

Can I exchange Polkadot without KYC?

You can exchange Polkadot without going through a KYC procedure. We may ask you to complete a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.

Do I need an account to exchange Polkadot?

Forget about registrations and accounts. You don’t need an account to exchange Polkadot on ChangeHero.

How many blockchain confirmations are needed for DOT?

We consider Polkadot received after 30 blockchain confirmations.

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