Convert DAI to BSV Instantly on ChangeHero

Convert Dai instantly. Exchange DAI to BSV at the best rates and low fees. No account needed

Minimal amount for sending is 36.031 dai

DAI to BSV conversion chart

Dai to Bitcoin SV correlation

DAI and BSV are not correlated to each other as BSV's value depends on supply and demand. Whereas, DAI is a stablecoin that is backed by traditional fiats like the dollar and the euro. DAI’s value remains the same, which is $1 regardless of the market conditions. Hence, BSV and DAI  do not share a strong relationship.

DAI Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, the DAI price is 0.02053 BSV and the 24-hour change is 0.79%. The market cap of Dai today is $1 with a total of 0.532 units in circulation. In the past 24 hours, the DAI price peaked at 0.02072 BSV and the lowest price was 0.02035 BSV.

Dai Price Prediction

DAI is a stablecoin built on the Ethereum blockchain. In contrast to other stablecoins, DAI is not pegged to fiat currencies. DAI is backed by Maker to keep the price of DAI stable at $1. The price of DAI is regulated by the issuance and burning of the MKR tokens. Due to this backing by another cryptocurrency, DAI price will always be the same, $1, even in the long run.

DAI Wallets

Did you know that popular cryptocurrency wallets such as Trezor, Coolwallet S and Exodus have already integrated ChangeHero? Yes, with these wallets you can track live DAI price and also exchange it without leaving the application. Pick one which suits you best and enjoy crypto exchange on the go.

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DAI to BSV exchange margin

The closing conversion rate for DAI to BSV yesterday was {{LAST}}. Considering today’s exchange rate, a transaction of 1 DAI to BSV would result in an output of 0.02053 BSV.

How to convert Dai to Bitcoin SV

Enter the amount and provide your address

Enter the amount of DAI and click "Exchange". Provide the BSV wallet address.


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.


Send DAI

ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send DAI there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your BSV is on the way to your Wallet!


Dai and Bitcoin SV comparison

Dai is a stablecoin built on the Ethereum blockchain, issued and governed by the MakerDAO. It keeps a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar by utilizing a mechanism maintaining its stability. Unlike other algorithmic stablecoins, the token is over-collateralized and secured with multiple cryptocurrencies. The DAI creators designed it to be a universal means of payment and wealth accumulation devoid of high volatility characteristic of altcoins. 

Bitcoin SV is a relatively new cryptocurrency which was formed after the Bitcoin Cash hard fork in 2018. The team behind Bitcoin SV aims to bring back the Satoshi’s principles of how Bitcoin is supposed to be working. The acronym SV in the name also stands for Satoshi’s Vision. Bitcoin SV is similar to its older cousin, Bitcoin and uses the same Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm and has the same total supply cap. Bitcoin SV recently lifted off the block size limits paving way for faster transactions at cheaper fees. Bitcoin SV trades with the ticker BSV and can be traded against other cryptocurrencies. Despite being riddled with controversies, there is strong community support and BSV rose quickly to become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies.

What is Dai?

The Dai stablecoin is a collateral-backed cryptocurrency whose value is stable relative to the US Dollar through a series of complementary financial incentives. The currency lives entirely on the blockchain; its stability does not depend on any locality, and its solvency does not depend on any trusted counterparties. All Dai is supported by a surplus of collateral, which has been escrowed into audited and publicly viewable Ethereum smart contracts.

Dai to Bitcoin SV price details

DAI to BSV Conversion Rate and Price

Currently, the conversion rate for 1 DAI equals to 0.02053 BSV. The 24-hour highest price of Dai in relation to BSV was 0.02072 BSV and the lowest was 0.02035 BSV. In short, DAI price in relation to BSV changed by 0.79%.

Instantly Exchange DAI to BSV 

On ChangeHero you can instantly exchange Dai to Bitcoin SV without signup. You can easily convert DAI to BSV in a few clicks without worrying about the rates and fees. ChangeHero offers both the Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your DAI to BSV exchange.

DAI to BSV Best Rate Exchange

In the Best Rate exchange of Dai to Bitcoin SV, we search through various exchanges for the DAI to BSV pair and find the best rate available in the market. We provide you with an estimation of the amount of BSV you will receive.

As soon as you accept the terms and the DAI is deposited, the exchange will be automatically processed. We remind you that the final amount of BSV you receive may vary slightly due to the volatility in the price of the cryptocurrencies which affects the conversion rate of DAI to BSV.

DAI to BSV Fixed Rate Conversion

In the Fixed Rate exchange of Dai to Bitcoin SV, ChangeHero finds a good rate for the pair DAI to BSV and fix the rate for up to 15 minutes. In the Best Rate exchange of DAI to BSV, you will receive the exact amount of BSV which was shown in the estimate.

ChangeHero is a non-custodial service and never holds your cryptocurrency. As soon as the exchange is completed, we send your assets to the mentioned BSV address. ChangeHero is the best place to exchange DAI to BSV fast and safe at the best rates.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to convert DAI to BSV?

Usually, it takes around 15 minutes but the time may vary depending on how busy the network is.

Do I need an account to exchange DAI to BSV?

No, you do not require an account to swap DAI to BCH on ChangeHero. There will be no registrations for your Dai to Bitcoin Cash transaction.

Do I need to go through KYC procedures for DAI to BSV exchange?

There will be no KYC for the DAI to BSV exchange. However, if our threat detection system raises the alarm then we ask you to complete a simple verification procedure that takes a few minutes.

Can I exchange BSV to DAI?

Yes, you can instantly exchange BSV to DAI on ChangeHero.

Please note that ChangeHero uses a risk-scoring automated system aimed to spot suspicious activity during operations. In case your transaction is flagged by this system, ChangeHero reserves the right to conduct the KYC procedure and process the transaction in accordance with our AML/KYC policy and our Terms of Use (paragraph 3.6).
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