Hedera Price

Live Hedera Price Chart
HBAR Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, the HBAR price is 0.210423$ and the 24-hour change is -5.99%. The market cap of Hedera today is $10521139600 with a total of 50000000000 HBAR in circulation. In the past 24 hours, the HBAR price peaked at 0.2114$ and the lowest price was 0.1951$.

Hedera Price Prediction
Hedera Hashgraph was launched after a year of rigorous testing in September 2019. The project was funded by an ICO that lasted from March to August 2018. Launching into the ‘crypto winter’ meant that until 2021 it did not rise above its launch price of $0.087. However, in 2021, in tune with the Bitcoin rally, HBAR set two new price records: first, $0.4089 in April and $0.5059 in September 2021.In a year from now, in 2023, HBAR is expected to grow back up to $0.19. By 2025, the average price can further climb up to $0.4 per HBAR. An optimistic target for HBAR in 2030 floats around $3.
Hedera Wallets
Still confused about which wallet to pick?We recommend Trezor, CoolWallet S and Exodus wallet. Each of them has peculiarities and serve different purposes. In all of these wallets, you can store HBAR, monitor live Hedera prices and also exchange it from ChangeHero without leaving the application.
Hedera Exchange
On ChangeHero, you can exchange Hedera to other cryptos and vice versa. You can choose from the Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your Hedera exchange. You can be sure that your HBAR exchange will be processed super fast at the best possible rates in the market.
How to exchange Hedera
What is Hedera?
Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger of transactions which uses a consensus algorithm known as hashgraph instead of a blockchain. It has higher latency than Proof-of-Work blockchains and eliminates the need for auctions for transaction inclusion.As the distribution of HBAR improves, from a permissioned mode the network will gradually transfer to a set of distributed verified nodes. Like in similar networks, HBAR is useful for transacting value, paying the transaction and EVM fees, and staking.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Hedera exchange?
We charge a reasonable fee of 0.5% on your HBAR exchange.
How long does it take to process Hedera exchange?
It takes around 15 minutes to process your HBAR exchange. However, it may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to complete a KYC procedure to exchange Hedera?
You can exchange HBAR without KYC procedures. However, we may ask you to verify your identity if our security system raises an alarm.
Do I need to signup for ChangeHero to exchange Hedera?
You don’t have to worry about registrations on ChangeHero. You can exchange HBAR without an account.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for HBAR?
We consider Hedera received after 1 blockchain confirmation.