Swap FTX Token (FTT) Instantly

Swap FTT Instantly & Account-free

FTX Token Price

1.242 $
1.145 $

Live FTX Token Price Chart

FTT Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, the FTT price is 1.235412$ and the 24-hour change is -9.65%. The market cap of FTX Token today is $406320993 with a total of 328895103 FTT in circulation. In the past 24 hours, the FTT price peaked at 1.242$ and the lowest price was 1.145$.

Coin price change

FTX Token Price Prediction

At the very start in 2019 and all the way until 2021, FTX Token was barely holding above a $3 mark. However, in 2021 it started an incredible rally to $60 in May and after a subsequent correction, to $79.87 in September 2021. However,  since then it shed approximately half of the value and is now valued fairer at about $30.FTX Token price predictions are mostly on the brighter side. Experts predict that FTX Token price will sky-rocket in the long run and by 2025 FTT price will be around $800. For sure, it’s too early to predict the FTX Token price for 2030 but we expect that it would reach new heights if FTX continues the same pace in terms of the developments and acquisitions.

FTX Token Wallets

Confused about which wallet to get?We got you covered! Pick from Trezor, CoolWallet S or Exodus. In all of these wallets, you can store FTX Token, monitor live FTT prices. The differentiating factor is you can instantly exchange FTX Token with ChangeHero right inside your wallet application.

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FTX Token Exchange

ChangeHero is the most reliable instant cryptocurrency exchange to swap FTT. You can exchange FTX Token against your favourite crypto without any limitations. We offer two different types of rates for your FTX Token exchange – Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate FTX Token exchange, we pick the best available rate in the market. A key point to remember is that the final amount of crypto you receive may be different due to volatility. If you are looking to avoid this scenario, Fixed Rate is the go-to choice. We freeze a good rate for your FTX Token exchange and proceed with the transaction. You will receive the same amount of crypto as estimated. ChangeHero covers the market risks for your Fixed Rate FTT exchange.

How to exchange FTX Token

Enter the amount and provide your address

Choose the FTT pair you want to trade and input your Wallet address(es).


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.


Send FTT

ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send funds there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your assets are on the way to your Wallet!


What is FTX Token?

FTX Token is a cryptocurrency native to the popular derivatives exchange FTX. It is an Ethereum token compliant with the ERC20 standard. FTT is the trading ticker for the FTX Token. It launched concurrently with the exchange on May 8, 2019 by Sam Bankman-Fried and Gary Wang. The FTX Token was designed to increase network effects and demand for FTT while attracting users with a deflationary model.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your commission for FTX Token exchange?

ChangeHero charges a low fee of 0.5% for your FTT exchange.

Are FTX Token and FTX same?

FTX is a cryptocurrency trading platform, whereas FTX Token is a utility token on the Ethereum blockchain. FTT can be used to pay for the fees on FTX platform and access to select features.

What is the average processing time for FTX Token exchange?

Usually, we process your FTT exchange within 15 minutes. In some cases, the time may vary as the confirmations on the blockchain is beyond our control.

Is KYC mandatory to exchange FTX Token?

No, you can exchange FTT without a KYC procedure. However, you will be asked to go through a verification procedure if the source of the funds appears to be dubious.

Do I need an account to exchange FTX Token?

ChangeHero is an account-free service, you can instantly exchange FTT without any signups.

How many blockchain confirmations are needed for FTT?

We consider FTX Token received after 40 blockchain confirmations.

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