Live AAVE Price

Live Aave Price Chart
Live AAVE Price Change and Market Cap
At the moment, AAVE price is 194.3424$ and it changed by -0.77% in the last 24 hours. Aave has a total market capitalization of $3109478529 today. 16000000 AAVE is in circulation. The 24-hour highest price of AAVE was 195.46$ and the lowest was 176.43$.

AAVE Price Prediction
Aave was previously called ETHLend, and its scope was a peer-to-peer lending protocol on Ethereum. Even this simple premise was enough to raise $16.2 million in an ICO in 2017. As the platform grew and switched to a liquidity pool model with a wider choice of currencies, they rebranded to Aave (Finnish for “ghost”) in 2020. The rebrand came just in time for a bull market, when AAVE reached peaks of $494.56 and $632.27.Considering the price dynamic since then, various sources give AAVE predictions from $280 to $1,200 by the end of 2022. AAVE forecast for 2025 is more moderate — from $300 to $500 — and by 2030, the AAVE token is expected to appreciate to $2,000–2,400.
AAVE Wallets
Did you know that popular cryptocurrency wallets such as Trezor, Coolwallet S and Exodus wallet have already integrated ChangeHero? That's right, with these wallets you can monitor live AAVE price and exchange Aave without leaving the application. Give them a try.
AAVE Exchange
ChangeHero is an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform supporting the most popular cryptocurrencies. You can exchange AAVE to any other cryptocurrencies or the other way around. We offer two types of rates for your AAVE exchange — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate AAVE exchange, we pick the best rate in the market and the final amount you receive may differ from the estimation due to volatility. Fixed Rate AAVE exchange is the best way to avoid volatility, we fix a good rate and bear the risks for you. You can be sure that in both cases your cryptocurrency is safe and our support team will assist you throughout the process of exchange.
How to exchange Aave
What is AAVE?
Previously known as ETHLend, Aave is a lending protocol that maintains a pool from which users can borrow cryptocurrencies and deposit liquidity to. Alternatively, advanced users can use flash loans with the condition to repay it within a block time.The native token of the Aave protocol is AAVE. The tokens back the security of the protocol with a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. Aave is governed by a DAO, in which AAVE holders vote for Aave improvement proposals (AIPs) proportionally to their stake.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Aave exchange?
ChangeHero charges a fee as low as 0.5% for the Aave exchange.
How long does it take to exchange Aave?
Usually, your Aave exchange will be processed in less than 15 minutes. Please note that the time may vary depending on the blockchain.
Is KYC mandatory for exchanging Aave?
You can exchange AAVE without any KYC verification. In some cases, we may ask you to complete a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy Aave with Paypal?
We don’t accept Paypal. You can buy Aave by exchanging it with other cryptocurrencies.
Where can I find the latest Aave news?
Head to ChangeHero Blog! It’s the best place to find all the latest Aave news.
How can I check the live AAVE price?
With ChangeHero’s AAVE price chart you will be able to check live AAVE price anytime and from anywhere.
Should I register to exchange Aave?
You don’t have to worry about any registrations or logins. You can exchange Aave without any account on ChangeHero.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for Aave?
We consider AAVE received after 40 blockchain confirmations.