Live 1inch Token Price

Live 1inch Token Price Chart
Live 1inch Token Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, the 1INCH price is 0.213587$. From the 1inch Token price chart, we can see that the 24-hour change is -6.14%. The total market capitalization of 1inch is $320380428 with a circulation supply of 1500000000 1INCH. In the previous 24 hours, the 1inch Token price hit highs of 0.2157$ and lows of 0.2082$.

1inch Token Price Prediction
1INCH reached its historic maximum price $7.87 on May 8, 2021 and a minimum price $0.5178 on June 18, 2022. At the time, the 1INCH price today is 0.2103$.In 2022, the 1INCH price forecast is $69.37 maximum. By 2025, 1INCH is predicted to reach $171.20 US dollars. A 2030 price prediction for 1INCH gives a target of $40.Check out the ChangeHero 1INCH price prediction article for more info!
1inch Token Exchange
On ChangeHero, you can choose from a wide range of cryptocurrencies to pair with 1INCH for the exchange. For your 1INCH conversion, we offer two types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate 1inch Token exchange, you will be given the best available rate in the market. Please note that the final amount of crypto you receive may vary slightly from the estimate we provided for your 1INCH exchange. In the Fixed Rate 1inch Token exchange, we fix a good rate for 15 minutes, it’s the best way to avoid volatility during the 1inch Token exchange. Either way, we process your 1inch Token exchange in a matter of minutes and send crypto safely to your wallet.
How to exchange 1inch Token
What is 1inch Token?
1inch Exchange is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator. It works by outsourcing liquidity to integrated DEXs and lets users find and compare rates on multiple liquidity sources.The main competitive edge of 1inch is order splitting. When performing large exchanges through a DEX, the expenses and slippage may increase. A user had to either split their orders manually or exchange tokens at less than perfect conditions. 1inch protocols solve this problem and route the exchange through multiple liquidity sources to optimize fees and slippage.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for 1inch Token exchange?
ChangeHero charges a low fee of 0.5% for your 1inch Token exchange.
How long does it take to exchange 1inch Token?
In general, it takes around 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to complete a KYC procedure for exchanging 1INCH?
No, you are not required to complete a KYC procedure for a 1inch Token exchange. However, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy 1inch Token with Paypal?
No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy 1INCH with other cryptocurrencies.
How can I keep up with the 1inch Token news?
ChangeHero Blog is the perfect way to keep yourself updated with the latest 1inch Token news.
How can I track the live 1inch Token price?
Using our 1inch Token price chart you can get not only the live 1inch Token price but also the price history of the last 30 days.
Do I need to create an account to exchange 1INCH?
ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to create an account for your 1inch Token exchange.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for 1inch Token?
We consider 1INCH received after 40 blockchain confirmations.