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Weekly Crypto News Digest: DOGE Leads the Altcoin Season
Author: changehero
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Altcoins take over the market but Bitcoin is still the main subject of the news. Which CBDCs are starting development? Why are social media users talking about DOGE so much? Read in the newest crypto news digest by ChangeHero.

Key Takeaways

Latest Crypto News Digest

Bitcoin Digest

BTC trading chart: May 6, 2021
Source: TradingView

Bitcoin News

Altcoin News

Uniswap v3 launch
Source: Uniswap

Business Crypto News

Crypto News on Adoption

Regulation & Politics Crypto News Digest

Social Media Crypto Digest

Video of the Week

Crypto-involved rappers Nas, Jay-Z and DJ Khaled released a new track a few days ago. In its lyrics, Nas casually drops the lines: “I’m coin based, basically crypto-currency scarface./ Join us, there’s gotta be more of us”. Nas himself is an early Coinbase investor, and Jay-Z set up a development fund with Jack Dorsey.

Crypto News from Twitter

The Moneyist advice column got a really curious request the other day. A submitter asked Quentin Fottrell whether his employer could be right to demand back the crypto they received as payment before it appreciated 700%. The general consensus seems to be “Hell no!”

This week, several more projections allegedly made by the activist artist Fraz were shared on Twitter. (Fraz is the artist behind the “Bitcoin Fixes This” projection on the Bank of England’s walls.) Other messages include “Money printer go brrr” and “Fiat is the bubble, Bitcoin is the pin”.

The original installation has already been turned into an NFT because of course it has.

All DOGE holders and Crypto Twitter are now talking about May 8. This is the day when Elon Musk is due to make his appearance on the Saturday Night Live show. Crypto community cannot wait to see what he will say about his favourite currency and maybe crypto in general.

Influencer of the Week

Full-time trader and Crypto Twitter aficionado Loma is our recommended account this week. They’re of the sort who seem to be in on the fun and gains equally, keeping a balanced approach. Bonus points for keeping a hand on the pulse of the community: from the Crypto Twitter shenanigans to the big picture of the market.

What is the best altcoin to buy right now? You can count on their posts and insights to help you decide.

Top Crypto Digest

At the moment of writing the crypto digest, the general market stats are:

7d Change in Top Coins

7D coin digest: May 6, 2021
Source: CoinRank

The market keeps heating up, and it especially applies to altcoins. At the moment of writing the crypto digest, the weekly change of the top currencies is:

Gainers of the Week

Which crypto will explode in 2021? Dogecoin made the top again, but 2018-era altcoins seem to be on the rise, too. The altcoins on the rise at the time of writing the crypto digest are:


News and stats both suggest that the market is ecstatic and is going at a speed of sound. More adoption, more investments — the stakes are getting higher day by day. Will Bitcoin break out or is it the alts time?

The next crypto news digest will be posted in a week in our blog. For the time being, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Telegram for live updates.