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Crypto News Digest: BTC Breakthrough Stopped by Tweets
Author: changehero
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What is the current situation of Bitcoin and the market after closing the biggest and, sadly, red monthly candle? In short, not as bad, as the network eases up and new businesses roll in! In more detail, read all the news from this week in our crypto news digest.

Key Takeaways

Latest Crypto News Digest

Bitcoin Digest

BTCUSD chart: June 4, 2021
Source: TradingView

Bitcoin News

Altcoin News

Business Crypto News

Crypto News on Adoption

Regulation & Politics Crypto News

Social Media Crypto News Digest

Video of the Week

Last week, we mentioned a report from Goldman Sachs getting leaked. On May 27th, the report was published. You can watch this video for a summary! The gist is that Goldman Sachs changed their opinion: in 2020 they were sure that cryptocurrencies can’t be an asset class. In this report, however, they are covering the ground why they are considering it a new asset class now.

Cryptocurrency News Digest from Twitter

Here we go again: a tweet from Musk vaguely related to cryptocurrencies that drew the ire of the community. At the moment of tweeting this, BTC price went down, failing to break out, and the replies properly demonstrate the disappointment.

More news from the NFT world: to celebrate the Bitcoin 2021 conference, Playboy launched a limited collection of digital artworks. An intriguing detail is that the blockchain used for the tokens is none other than Bitcoin via Liquid sidechain.

Much to the surprise and mixed reception from users, Norton antivirus software announced a crypto mining feature. Even crypto-positive users found a bone to pick: it’s custodial, all the mined coins are going to the cloud wallet.

Influencer of the Week

Nik Patel needs little introduction, since he is arguably one of the best known traders of Crypto Twitter. He is also a writer, having published a book on altcoin trading and running a newsletter.

Top Coin Digest

Will Bitcoin ever go back up, and market with it? It’s high time to ask yourself that, since it is drawing a second green weekly candle in a row. At the moment of writing the digest, the general market stats are:

7d Change in Top Coins

7D coin digest: June 4, 2021
Source: CryptoRank

Finally, a normal-looking week! Most cryptocurrencies are slowly but surely regaining losses. At the moment of writing, the weekly change of the top currencies is:

Gainers of the Week

Which crypto to buy today? The trends of this week are DeFi and exchange tokens, and some older privacy altcoins are also looking upside:


After all, the situation on the market seems to grow less hectic. The BTC community seems to learn their lesson and act less on tweets impulsively. All the while all the crypto news about new enterprises joining in seem bullish. We hope you found this weekly crypto news digest insightful. Check our blog for more! You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Telegram for live updates.