About CoinoSwap

CoinoSwap is a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange aggregator. With the website, users can see swap offers from dozens of providers and choose the offer based on the current exchange rate, fixed or floating.The selection of providers makes 1000+ coins available for exchange and fiat purchases. In any case, the transactions can be made without registering an account and even going through KYC.


CoinoSwap Pros and Cons


  • Choose the optimal offer

    CoinoSwap shows you the available offers for your cryptocurrency pair and chosen amounts. You can go straight for the best one, sorted at the top, or opt for alternatives.

  • Seamless flow

    Users do not need to leave the website to complete the cryptocurrency exchange transaction. CoinoSwap provides all necessary information and tracks the status on the same page.

  • No extra fees

    All the fees shown in the CoinoSwap offer are already included in the rate. CoinoSwap does not charge extra on top of the service fee of the provider and a network fee.


  • Regionally restricted

    As a Wyoming, US-registered business, Coinoswap bars the US citizens as well as sanctioned jurisdictions (Cuba, North Korea, etc.) from accessing and using the site.

  • No user reviews

    CoinoSwap is listed in the Trustpilot directory but the page has no reviews. There were no user reviews in other sources at the time of reviewing as well.

Final Verdict

CoinoSwap provides a handy service at the industry-standard level. It doesn’t seem to be well-known yet but with the level of quality it is bound to eventually change.

Supported Coins80/100


Is CoinoSwap Legit?

Yes, CoinoSwap is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator that helps you compare live rates for thousands of cryptocurrencies and exchange them without signing up or going through KYC. They work only with providers that can prove the legitimacy of their business and are registered in Wyoming, United States.

What are the CoinoSwap fees?

CoinoSwap does not charge any fees on top of the service commission collected by the liquidity provider, and the network fee that goes to miners or blockchain validators.

Is CoinoSwap regionally restricted?

According to the CoinoSwap Terms of Use, it cannot be used by individuals from Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cuba, Crimea, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, United States of America (including all USA territories like Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Island, and the US Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas)), as well as any other countries subject to United Nations Security Council Sanctions List.