Exchange DASH to ETH with Lowest Fees

Convert Dash instantly. Exchange DASH to ETH at the best rates and low fees. No account needed

DASH to ETH conversion chart

Dash to Ethereum correlation

According to the correlation analysis DASH and ETH have a strong relationship with each other and correlated. Whenever there is a change in the price of DASH then ETH also tends to follow the same pattern and move together.

Live DASH Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, the DASH price is 0.01090 ETH. According to the Dash price chart, the 24-hour change is -0.27%. The total market capitalization of Dash is $6 with 5.951 DASH in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, the Dash price hit highs of 0.01103 ETH and lows of 0.01075 ETH.

Dash Price Prediction

DASH is one of the few cryptocurrencies fueling mass adoption. It is popular for cheap and secure microtransactions. This helped DASH price to grow since its launch. DASH price hit an all-time high of $1,642.22 on December 20, 2017. In the next two years, DASH price fluctuated and traded at less than a hundred dollars in the second half of 2019. Dash price at the beginning of 2020 was $41.16 and in a couple of weeks, DASH price touched $130.46. Correction took place in February and by the end of the first quarter, DASH price was around sixty dollars. In the second quarter of 2020, DASH price was considerably stable trading in the range of $60–70.Some suggest that five years from now, DASH price will be $160,000 which is too good to be true. On a realistic side, we can expect DASH price to be around $280 by 2025. A few more years ahead, DASH price in 2030 would be over twenty grand, too hopeful here as well. On the other hand, an expert suggests that by 2030 DASH price will be close to $500. Check out our DASH price prediction article for more details.

Dash Wallets

Confused about which wallet to get?We recommend Trezor, CoolWallet S and Exodus. In all of these wallets, you can check the live DASH prices and instantly exchange it through ChangeHero. You don’t have to exit the application or register to swap your DASH.

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DASH to ETH exchange margin

The closing conversion rate for DASH to ETH yesterday was {{LAST}}. Considering today’s exchange rate, a transaction of 1 DASH to ETH would result in an output of 0.01090 ETH.

How to convert Dash to Ethereum

Enter the amount and provide your address

Enter the amount of DASH and click "Exchange". Provide the ETH wallet address.


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.



ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send DASH there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your ETH is on the way to your Wallet!


Dash and Ethereum comparison

Dash is launched in 2014 by Evan Duffield and Daniel Diaz and was originally called Darkcoin due to its privacy-centric approach. Dash was built to fix the drawbacks of Bitcoin, expensive fees and slower transactions. The team also makes a bold claim that Dash is a digital currency that can be spent anywhere. Fortunately, the team keeps up with its claims and is widely popular all over the world. Dash uses the X11 algorithm, a modification of Proof-of-Stake to issue new coins. Dash is well-known for its quick transactions and the anonymity provided whilst making a payment.Ethereum was launched in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin. It is an open-source blockchain network with a major emphasis on smart contracts. For the starters, smart contracts are pieces of code which automatically processes the transactions once the preset conditions are met. Ethereum is often praised as the Second Generation of blockchain. Ether is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum Blockchain. 

What is Dash?

Formerly known as Darkcoin, Dash was launched in 2014 by Evan Duffield and Daniel Diaz. Dash was aimed at fixing the issues that were faced by Bitcoin like scalability and expensive fees. Dash also gained a reputation in the crypto community due to its privacy features. This was made possible with the implementation of the X11 algorithm, a modified version of Proof-of-Stake.Dash features PrivateSend which adds privacy to the transaction and the history cannot be traced back to a user. InstantSend is another attribute that sets Dash apart, this enables the confirmation of transactions almost instantly. Dash also employs a Self-Governing and Self-Funding policy in which 10% of the mining rewards return to the Dash network which will be used to support the developments on-chain through voting on proposals. Masternodes are the core for Dash and they take care of processing the PrivateSend, InstantSend and governance of the network. Dash is widely popular for its cheaper fees and faster confirmations.

Dash to Ethereum price details

DASH to ETH Conversion Rate and Price

At the moment, the conversion rate for 1 DASH equals to 0.01090 ETH. The 24-hour highest price of Dash in relation to ETH was 0.01103 ETH and the lowest was 0.01075 ETH. In short, DASH price in relation to ETH changed by -0.27%.

Instantly Exchange DASH to ETH

On ChangeHero you can instantly exchange Dash to Ethereum without signup. You can easily convert DASH to ETH in a few clicks without worrying about the rates and fees. ChangeHero offers both Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your DASH to ETH exchange.

DASH to ETH Best Rate Exchange

In the the Best Rate exchange of Dash to Ethereum, we search through various exchanges for the DASH to ETH pair and find the best rate available in the market. We provide you with an estimation of the amount of ETH you will receive.As soon as you accept the terms and the dash is deposited, the exchange will be automatically processed. We remind you that the final amount of ETH you receive may vary slightly due to the volatility in the price of the cryptocurrencies which affects the conversion rate of DASH to ETH.

DASH to ETH Fixed Rate Conversion

In the the Fixed Rate exchange of Dash to Ethereum, ChangeHero finds a good rate for the pair DASH to ETH and fix the rate for up to 15 minutes. In the Best Rate exchange of DASH to ETH, you will receive the exact amount of ETH which was shown in the estimate.ChangeHero is a non-custodial service and never holds your cryptocurrency. As soon as the exchange is completed, we send your assets to the mentioned ETH address. ChangeHero is the best place to exchange DASH to ETH fast and safe at the best rates.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to convert DASH to ETH?

Usually, it takes around 15 minutes but the time may vary depending on how busy the network is.

Do I need an account to exchange DASH to ETH?

No, you do not require an account to swap DASH to ETH on ChangeHero. There will be no registrations for your Dash to Ethereum transaction.

Do I need to go through KYC procedures for DASH to ETH exchange?

There will be no KYC for the DASH to ETH exchange. However, if our threat detection system raises the alarm then we ask you to complete a simple verification procedure which takes a few minutes.

Can I exchange ETH to DASH?

Yes, you can instantly exchange ETH to DASH on ChangeHero.

Buy and sell Ethereum

Are you looking to buy Ethereum? Now, on ChangeHero you can buy Ethereum with credit or debit card. Also, you can see your cryptocurrency on ChangeHero to US Dollars and Euro. Give it a try.

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