Live VeChainThor Price
Live VeChainThor Price Chart
Live VeChainThor Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, the VET price is 0.02504$ and the 24-hour change is -7.85%. The market cap of VeChainThor today is $2153031599 with a total of 85985041177 VET in circulation. In the past 24 hours, the VET price peaked at 0.02526$ and the lowest price was 0.02429$.
VeChainThor Price Prediction
VeChainThor was initially launched as an Ethereum token but migrated to a proprietary chain in 2019. However, even this event did not take it off the ground, and until 2021 VET was trading for fractions of a penny. Nonetheless, in April of 2021, in sync with the crypto market VET scored a price record of $0.252. Since then, it was cooling down and at the time of writing is evaluated near $0.2.Moderate forecasts for VET still see room for growth for the token, even in the bear market. In a year, it can add up to 180% and reach $0.037. 2025 targets aim for the psychological level of $0.1, and by 2030 it can grow but only up to $0.6~0.7.
VeChainThor Exchange
On ChangeHero, you can exchange VeChainThor against a wide range of cryptocurrencies. For your VeChainThor exchange, we offer two types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate VeChainThor exchange, you will be given the best available rate in the market. Please note that the final amount of crypto you receive may differ slightly from the estimate. In the Fixed Rate VeChainThor exchange, we freeze a good rate for 15 minutes, it’s optimal to avoid price fluctuations during the VeChainThor exchange. In any case, we process your VeChainThor exchange in a few minutes and deliver crypto safely to your wallet.
How to exchange VeChainThor
What is VeChainThor?
The main use case for VeChain is supply chain management, and the project intends to solve the problems of transparency and reliability of tracking. VeChain is best known for a large number of high-profile partnerships with enterprises like Walmart and Bauer, spanning across healthcare, retail and luxury goods, agriculture and more.The project was started in 2015 by Sunny Lu and Jay Zhang, who had worked for Louis Vuitton China and Deloitte respectively. Both of them were well familiar with the pains of supply chain management, particularly, lack of transparency.
VeChain received $1.5 billion in backing from prominent investors like BMW and Groupe Renault. They also conducted an ICO in 2017, selling 86,716,263,400 VEN Ethereum tokens at about $0.0007 a piece.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for VeChainThor exchange?
We charge a low fee of 0.5% for your VeChainThor exchange.
How long does it take to exchange VeChainThor?
Usually, it takes less than 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to go through a KYC procedure for exchanging VET?
No, you are not required to go through a KYC procedure for VeChainThor exchange. In some cases, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy VeChainThor with Paypal?
No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy VET by trading it against other cryptocurrencies.
Where can I find all the latest VeChainThor news?
Follow ChangeHero Blog, we publish VeChainThor news and updates regularly.
Is there any way to track the live VeChainThor prices?
Simply use our VeChainThor price chart to monitor live VeChainThor prices. It also displays the 30-day price history of VET.
Do I need to create an account to exchange VeChainThor?
ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to register for your VeChainThor exchange.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for VET?
We consider VeChain Thor received after 3 blockchain confirmations.