Swap Jasmy Instantly

Swap Jasmy Instantly & Account-free

Live Jasmy Price

0 $
0 $

Live Jasmy Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, Jasmy price is 41017.57$. According to the Jasmy price chart, the 24-hour change is -2.12%. The total market capitalization of Jasmy is $802856133425 with 0 Jasmy in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, Jasmy price hit highs of 0$ and lows of 0$.

Coin price change

Jasmy Price Prediction

JasmyCoin (JASMY) is a cryptocurrency project of a Tokyo-based Internet of Things (IoT) provider Jasmy Corporation. As a system, the Internet of Things includes mechanical and digital elements endowed with an identifier and the ability to transmit data. The IoT company Jasmy specializes in buying/selling data, and the Jasmy platform connects two categories: service providers and data users.The Jasmy platform was built to restore and protect the sovereignty of individual data by combining IoT technology with blockchain technology and giving users full control over their personal information. The main goal of the project is to establish a secure environment on the platform where users can exchange data in a trustless manner between IoT devices (computers, cars, phones) and decentralized protocols.

JASMY Exchange

ChangeHero is the best cryptocurrency exchange to swap Jasmy. You can choose from a wide range of cryptocurrencies to pair with Jasmy. For your Jasmy exchange, you pick either Best Rate or Fixed Rate. For the Best Rate Jasmy exchange, we will pick the best rate available in the market for your exchange. The final amount you receive may vary slightly from the estimate due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. In the Fixed Rate Jasmy exchange, we find a good rate and fix it for 15 minutes. You will receive the exact amount of crypto regardless of the market fluctuations. We cover the risks for your Fixed Rate Jasmy exchange. In both cases, the exchange will be processed quickly and crypto will be sent to your wallet immediately.

How to exchange Jasmy

Enter the amount and provide your address

Choose the JASMY pair you want to trade and input your Wallet address(es).


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.



ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send funds there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes—your assets are on the way to your Wallet!


What is JASMY?

The mission of Jasmy developers is to create an environment by shaping an infrastructure where users can easily, safely and smoothly use data. As a result, Jasmy aims to provide its users with a powerful infrastructure, an intuitive interface and a secure environment for storing and sharing data. In the Jasmy space, information can be transformed into personal assets.Jasmy decentralizes the workflow with edge computing and storing data on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). The philosophy of the project is based on the democratization of data using a decentralized model, where data is securely protected and owned by an owner, and service providers get the opportunity to promote their services/business using data (owned by users).

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for Jasmy exchange?

ChangeHero charges a low fee of 0.5% for your Jasmy exchange.

How long does it take to exchange Jasmy?

In general, it takes around 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.

Do I need to complete a KYC procedure for exchanging Jasmy?

No, you are not required to complete a KYC procedure for Jasmy Exchange. However, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.

Can I buy Jasmy with Paypal?

No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy Jasmy only with other cryptocurrencies.

How can I keep with the Jasmy news?

ChangeHero Blog is the perfect way to keep yourself updated with the latest Jasmy news.

How can I track the live Jasmy price?

Using our Jasmy price chart you can get not only the live Jasmy price but also the price history of the last 30 days.

Do I need to create an account to exchange Jasmy?

ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to create an account for your Jasmy exchange.

How many blockchain confirmations are needed for Jasmy?

We consider Jasmy received after 20 blockchain confirmations.

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