Live ADA Price

Live Cardano Price Chart
Live ADA Price Change and Market Cap
Currently, ADA price is 0.739462$. According to the Cardano price chart, the 24-hour change is -8.60%. The total market capitalization of Cardano is $33275780478 with 45000000000 ADA in circulation. In the previous 24 hours, Cardano price hit highs of 0.7528$ and lows of 0.7025$.

Cardano Price Prediction
Cardano is a smart contract platform working by the principle of a decentralized world computer; ADA is a cryptocurrency native to the Cardano platform. It is needed to transfer value within this network and secure it in a Proof-of-Stake algorithmDuring the ‘crypto winter’, ADA was basically in stagnation in 2019-2020. After that, though, it skyrocketed, crossing over the $3 target in late 2021. ADA price was simply following the crypto market: it soared in early 2018, pumped in early and late 2021, and had a sort of a relief rally in March 2022.Crypto analysts expect that in December 2022, the ADA price might fluctuate between $0.59 and $0.70. By 2025 ADA price will be fluctuating around $2. With more and more people using Cardano over Ethereum and competitors, ADA price will also increase in the long run.
Cardano Exchange
On ChangeHero, you can exchange Cardano against a wide range of cryptocurrencies. For your Cardano exchange, we offer two types of rates — Best Rate & Fixed Rate. In the Best Rate Cardano exchange, you will be given the best available rate in the market. Please note that the final amount of crypto you receive may differ slightly from the estimate. In the Fixed Rate Cardano exchange, we freeze a good rate for 15 minutes, it’s optimal to avoid price fluctuations during the Cardano exchange. In any case, we process your Cardano exchange in a few minutes and deliver crypto safely to your wallet.
How to exchange Cardano
What is Cardano?
Cardano is an open-source smart contract platform. Since smart contracts are self-executing programs that work when certain conditions are met, Cardano can be thought of as a decentralized global computing network. Unlike Namecoin or Ethereum, Cardano is secured with a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm specification called Ouroboros.ADA is a cryptocurrency native to the Cardano platform. It is needed to transfer value within this network and secure it in a Proof-of-Stake algorithm. ADA is useful for transacting in the Cardano network and staking for a return.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Cardano exchange?
We charge a low fee of 0.5% for your Cardano exchange.
How long does it take to exchange Cardano?
Usually, it takes less than 15 minutes for a transaction to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain load.
Do I need to go through a KYC procedure for exchanging ADA?
No, you are not required to go through a KYC procedure for Cardano exchange. In some cases, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy Cardano with Paypal?
No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy ADA by exchanging it with other cryptocurrencies.
Where can I find ADA news?
Head to ChangeHero Blog! It’s the best place to find all the latest news.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for Cardano?
We consider ADA received after 6 blockchain confirmations.