HUSD to LTC conversion chart
HUSD to Litecoin correlation
Technically, there would be no correlation between HUSD and Litecoin. HUSD is a stable coin which is backed by the traditional fiats and its price remains the same, regardless of the market fluctuations. On the other hand, the value of Litecoin depends on demand and supply, and various external factors also affect the price. There is no relationship between HUSD and LTC.
Live HUSD Price Change and Market Cap
Right now, the HUSD price is 0.01210 LTC. From the HUSD price chart, we can see that the 24-hour change is -34.95%. Today, the total market capitalization of HUSD is $0 with a circulating supply of 0 units. In the previous 24 hours, the HUSD price reached highs of 0.01211 LTC and lows of 0.01168 LTC.
HUSD Price Prediction
As the value of HUSD is backed by the US Dollar, the price will not go through any changes. The peg is in the ratio of 1:1 which means that HUSD price will always be equal to $1 in any given time regardless of the market conditions. So, in the short-term and even in the long-run the HUSD price will remain more or less the same.
HUSD to LTC exchange margin
Yesterday, HUSD to LTC conversion rate closed at {{LAST}} LTC per HUSD. For a transaction of 1 HUSD to LTC, at the current rate, you will get 0.01210 LTC LTC.
How to convert HUSD to Litecoin
HUSD and Litecoin comparison
Dollar-pegged stablecoin HUSD, issued by Stable Universal, is aimed to aggregate four stablecoins including Paxos Standard (PAX), True USD (TUSD), USD Coin (USDC) and Gemini Dollars (GUSD), into one token, HUSD, that could be traded across Huobi's exchange.
Widely known as the Bitcoin Lite, Litecoin was created by Charlie Lee in 2011 based on the Bitcoin source code. Contrary to the popular beliefs of being a Bitcoin fork, technically it’s not a fork and doesn’t share any transaction records with the former. Litecoin uses the Proof-of-Work algorithm for mining and also undergoes halvings to regulate the flow of new coins into the market. The network is also capable of conducting atomic swaps, exchanging crypto without any intermediaries. Litecoin trades with the ticker LTC and can be used to trade and pay at stores. Litecoin aims to be a digital currency that can be spent anywhere in the world with quick processing times and cheaper fees.
What is HUSD?
Dollar-pegged stablecoin HUSD, issued by Stable Universal, is aimed to aggregate four stablecoins including Paxos Standard (PAX), True USD (TUSD), USD Coin (USDC) and Gemini Dollars (GUSD), into one token, HUSD, that could be traded across Huobi's exchange.
HUSD to Litecoin price details
HUSD to LTC Conversion Rate and Price
Currently, the conversion rate for 1 HUSD equals to 0.01210 LTC. The 24-hour highest price of HUSD in relation to LTC was 0.01211 LTC and the lowest was 0.01168 LTC. In short, HUSD price in relation to LTC changed by -34.95%.
Instantly Exchange HUSD to LTC
ChangeHero is an instant cryptocurrency exchange in which you can swap HUSD to LTC in a few clicks. You don’t need an account to exchange HUSD to Litecoin and we take care of all the orders and rates. We offer Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your HUSD exchange.
Convert HUSD to LTC at the Best Rate
In the Best Rate HUSD exchange, our bot searches various traditional exchanges for the HUSD to LTC pair and selects the best rate. At the beginning of the HUSD exchange itself, we provide you with an estimated amount of LTC that you will be receiving as a result of the HUSD swap.
Upon accepting the terms and deposit of the funds, we convert HUSD to LTC immediately without any delays. Please note that the final amount of LTC you receive after the successful completion of the HUSD exchange may vary due to price fluctuations in the market.
Convert HUSD to LTC at the Fixed Rate
We also offer Fixed Rate HUSD exchange. We find a good rate for the pair HUSD to LTC and fix the rate for 15 minutes. The amount of LTC you receive at the end of the HUSD exchange will be the same as the one displayed in the estimate. ChangeHero covers the volatility risks when you convert HUSD to LTC with Fixed Rate.
ChangeHero neither holds nor stores your funds. As soon as we swap HUSD to LTC, the funds will be sent to the provided LTC wallet address without any delays. Our Support Heroes are available round the clock to assist you in solving any issue related to the HUSD exchange. ChangeHero is the go-to place to convert HUSD to LTC at the best rates without any hassles.
Frequently asked questions
How long does it take to convert HUSD to LTC?
Usually, it takes around 15 minutes but the time may vary depending on how busy the network is.
Do I need an account to exchange HUSD to LTC?
No, you do not require an account to swap HUSD to LTC on ChangeHero. There will be no registrations for your HUSD to Litecoin transaction.
Do I need to go through KYC procedures for HUSD to LTC exchange?
There will be no KYC for the HUSD to LTC exchange. However, if our threat detection system raises the alarm then we ask you to complete a simple verification procedure which takes a few minutes.
Can I exchange LTC to HUSD?
Yes, you can instantly exchange LTC to HUSD on ChangeHero.