MKR Price

Live MKR Price Chart
Live MKR Price Change and Market Cap
At the moment, MKR price is 1192.571$ and it changed by -9.50% in the last 24 hours. Maker has a total market capitalization of $1048062368 today. 878826 MKR is in circulation. The 24-hour highest price of MKR was 1214.66$ and the lowest was 1152.13$.

MKR Price Prediction
There is a mixed opinion on the short-term MKR price predictions. A few more years ahead, MKR is expected to continue to grow consistently and reach four digits. We don’t have to be surprised if MKR will be worth $2000 by 2025. Though the predictions are very promising, it is likely that MKR will be able to reach those milestones due to the growth in the interest of DeFi.
Maker Wallets
If you are looking for a software wallet, pick Exodus wallet, if security is your major priority, choose Trezor. In all these wallets you can track the live MKR price as well as other cryptocurrencies. Also, you will be able to exchange MKR at the best rates with ChangeHero in these wallets.
Maker Exchange
ChangeHero is the best cryptocurrency exchange to swap Maker. You can pick the type of rate which suits you the most. Best Rate is the go-to option if you absolutely want the best rate in the market for your Maker exchange. Go for the Fixed Rate, if you are looking to avoid the market fluctuations. ChangeHero covers the market risks for you by freezing a good rate for about 15 minutes. On top of this, you are not required to sign up on our platform to exchange Maker.
What is Maker?
Maker is a decentralized autonomous organization built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a banking system which aims at convenient payments and peer-to-peer transfers using smart contracts. This platform is focused on decentralized exchanges and margin trading.MKR is an ERC-20 token launched in 2017 and acts as a governance token of the platform. It can be used to participate in the voting and to pay the stability fees in this platform. Maker token also backs its counterpart DAI, a stablecoin of the same platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Maker exchange?
ChangeHero charges a low fee of 0.5% for your Maker exchange.
How long does it take to exchange MKR?
In general, it takes around 15 minutes for your MKR exchange to be processed. The time may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to complete a KYC procedure for exchanging MKR?
No, you are not required to complete a KYC procedure for a MKR Exchange. However, we may ask you to go through a verification procedure if our threat detection system raises an alarm.
Can I buy MKR with Paypal?
No, we don’t accept Paypal. On ChangeHero you can buy MKR with other cryptocurrencies.
How can I keep up with the latest MKR news?
ChangeHero Blog is the perfect way to keep yourself updated with the latest MKR news.
How can I track the live MKR price?
Using our MKR price chart you can get not only the live MKR price but also the price history of the last 30 days.
Do I need to create an account to exchange Maker?
ChangeHero is a completely account-free cryptocurrency exchange. You will not be asked to create an account for your Maker exchange.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for MKR?
We consider Maker received after 40 blockchain confirmations.