Convert SHIB to BTC Instantly on ChangeHero

Convert Shiba Inu instantly. Exchange SHIB to BTC at the best rates and low fees. No account needed

SHIB to BTC conversion chart

Shiba Inu to Bitcoin correlation

According to the correlation analysis, SHIB and BTC have a strong relationship with each other and correlate. Whenever there is a change in the price of SHIB then BTC also tends to follow the same pattern and move together.

SHIB Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, the SHIB price is 0 BTC and the 24-hour change is 0.00%. The market cap of Shiba Inu today is $0 with a total of 0 SHIB in circulation. In the past 24 hours, the SHIB price peaked at 1e-10 BTC and the lowest price was 1e-10 BTC.

Shiba Inu Price Prediction

Both the price and trading volumes of SHIB remained low until the first leg up of the bull run of 2021. In a matter of a month, SHIB’s price skyrocketed from $0.00000008 to $0.00003503, an increase of 43,687%. After the parabolic rise, the correction was also sharp and took SHIB down to $0.00000813. This level was maintained until the second leg up in October 2021. At first, SHIB appreciated to $0.00003077 (adding 278%), and then, to its current ATH of $0.00008845 (another 187%) on October 28, 2021.Shiba Inu is a divisive subject when it comes to drawing predictions. Some experts see SHIB rising only to $0.00007468 in 2025 and others give nice targets at $0.00014063. Analysts that believe SHIB will be around in 2030 say it will be worth anywhere from $0.000079987 to $0.00097547.

Shiba Inu Wallets

Looking for a SHIB wallet?We shortlisted a few for you. In Trezor, Coolwallet S and Exodus wallet you can track the live SHIB prices and also instantly exchange Shiba Inu in the wallet with ChangeHero.

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SHIB to BTC exchange margin

The closing conversion rate for SHIB to BTC yesterday was {{LAST}}. Considering today’s exchange rate, a transaction of 1 SHIB to BTC would result in an output of 0 BTC.

How to convert Shiba Inu to Bitcoin

Enter the amount and provide your address

Enter the amount of SHIB and click "Exchange". Provide the BTC wallet address.


Confirm your transaction

Check all the data once again and confirm your transaction.



ChangeHero will generate a deposit address, use your Wallet to send SHIB there.


Wait for the exchange to complete

Wait a few minutes — your BTC is on the way to your Wallet!


Shiba Inu and Bitcoin comparison

Shiba Inu was one of the several meme coins created after the rise in popularity of Dogecoin. Labeled “a Dogecoin killer”, SHIB launched in the summer 2020 and only got noticed the following year after Elon Musk's tweets, after which Shiba Inu multiplied its market capitalization. Initially created on the Ethereum network, Shiba Inu has plans to launch its own Layer-2 blockchain Shibarium by the end of 2022. The mysterious creator of this coin goes by the pseudonym Ryoshi and remains anonymous. Bitcoin was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 with the idea of providing a peer-to-peer payment system using blockchain technology. Bitcoin network is decentralized and has an immutable record of transactions. The sole purpose of Bitcoin is to enable a means of payment system for people to transact value without any middlemen.

What is Shiba Inu?

A meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) is an experiment in creation of a truly decentralized, community-backed platform. It took inspiration from Dogecoin, borrowing its canine mascot, but changes a few things about its utility, governance and approach.Shiba Inu ecosystem utilizes three tokens: SHIB being the main currency, rebase token turned independent token LEASH and governance token BONE. All three tokens can be exchanged on the proprietary DEX ShibaSwap. There, the tokens can be buried (staked), dugged (locked in liquidity pools) or fetched (exchanged) for a return.

Shiba Inu to Bitcoin price details

SHIB to BTC Conversion Rate and Price

Currently, the conversion rate for 1 SHIB equals to 0 BTC. The 24-hour highest price of Shiba Inu in relation to BTC was 1e-10 BTC and the lowest was 1e-10 BTC. In short, SHIB price in relation to BTC changed by 0.00%.

Instantly Exchange SHIB to BTC 

On ChangeHero you can instantly exchange Shiba Inu to Bitcoin without signup. You can easily convert SHIB to BTC in a few clicks without worrying about the rates and fees. ChangeHero offers both the Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your SHIB to BTC exchange.

SHIB to BTC Best Rate Exchange

In the Best Rate exchange of Shiba Inu to Bitcoin, we search through various exchanges for the SHIB to BTC pair and find the best rate available in the market. We provide you with an estimation of the amount of BTC you will receive.As soon as you accept the terms and the SHIB is deposited, the exchange will be automatically processed. We remind you that the final amount of BTC you receive may vary slightly due to the volatility in the price of the cryptocurrencies which affects the conversion rate of SHIB to BTC.

SHIB to BTC Fixed Rate Conversion

In the Fixed Rate exchange of Shiba Inu to Bitcoin, ChangeHero finds a good rate for the pair SHIB to BTC and fix the rate for up to 15 minutes. In the Best Rate exchange of SHIB to BTC, you will receive the exact amount of BTC which was shown in the estimate.ChangeHero is a non-custodial service and never holds your cryptocurrency. As soon as the exchange is completed, we send your assets to the mentioned BTC address. ChangeHero is the best place to exchange SHIB to BTC fast and safe at the best rates.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to convert SHIB to BTC?

Usually, it takes around 15 minutes but the time may vary depending on how busy the network is.

Do I need an account to exchange SHIB to BTC?

No, you do not require an account to swap SHIB to BTC on ChangeHero. There will be no registrations for your Shiba Inu to Bitcoin transaction.

Do I need to go through KYC procedures for SHIB to BTC exchange?

There will be no KYC for the SHIB to BTC exchange. However, if our threat detection system raises the alarm then we ask you to complete a simple verification procedure that takes a few minutes.

Can I exchange BTC to SHIB?

Yes, you can instantly exchange BTC to SHIB on ChangeHero.

Veuillez noter que ChangeHero utilise un système automatisé de notation des risques visant à repérer les activités suspectes pendant les opérations. Si votre transaction est marquée par ce système, ChangeHero se réserve le droit de mener la procédure KYC et de traiter la transaction conformément à notre police de AML/KYC et à nos Conditions d'utilisation (paragraphe 3.6).

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