Loom Network Price

Live Loom Network Price Chart
LOOM Price Change and Market Cap
At the moment, the LOOM price is 0.039332$ and it changed by -4.50% in the last 24 hours. Loom Network has a total market capitalization of $51131488 today. 1300000000 LOOM is in circulation. The 24-hour highest price of LOOM was 0.0416$ and the lowest was 0.03731$.

Loom Network Price Prediction
Loom Network was first released on October 1, 2017, with the LOOM tokens going public in the following spring. The ATH from May 4, 2018 — $0.7745 — still stands unconquered. In 2019 and most of 2020, LOOM price would stay in the $0.01~0.02 area. The more recent crypto rally gave it a chance to beat the previous record, but the demand wasn't there: LOOM would not go over $0.255.In the LOOM price predictions in a year from now, experts give a tame range of targets — from $0.06 to $0.08. A 2025 LOOM price prediction is way less accurate: various sources give targets ranging from $0.017 to $0.17. Only by 2030 Loom Network is expected to reach $1.
Loom Network Wallets
Still confused about which wallet to pick?We recommend Trezor, CoolWallet S and Exodus wallet. Each of them has peculiarities and serve different purposes. In all of these wallets, you can store LOOM, monitor live Loom Network prices and also exchange it from ChangeHero without leaving the application.
Loom Network Exchange
Loom Network is an Ethereum layer-two which provides scalability and fast transactions. On ChangeHero you will be able to get a similar experience during the Loom Network exchange as your exchange will be processed in a matter of minutes. You can exchange Loom Network to other cryptos and vice versa. Choose from the Best Rate and Fixed Rate for your Loom Network exchange. You can be sure that your LOOM exchange will be processed super fast at the best possible rates in the market.
How to exchange Loom Network
What is Loom Network?
Loom Network is a platform on top of Ethereum that enables reliable applications to work in side chains. It is powered by Plasma, one of the more common Ethereum scaling solutions, which shards transactions and records only the total output on the main chain. In addition to sharding, Loom Network employs zero-knowledge proofs for additional security.LOOM tokens act as a pass to access the Loom-based applications. They cannot be mined, and to earn those users have to engage with the apps.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees for Loom Network exchange?
We charge a reasonable fee of 0.5% on your LOOM exchange.
How long does it take to process Loom Network exchange?
It takes around 15 minutes to process your LOOM exchange. However, it may vary depending on the blockchain.
Do I need to complete a KYC procedure to exchange Loom Network?
You can exchange LOOM without KYC procedures. However, we may ask you to verify your identity if our security system raises an alarm.
Do I need to signup for ChangeHero to exchange Loom Network?
You don’t have to worry about registrations on ChangeHero. You can exchange LOOM without an account.
How many blockchain confirmations are needed for LOOM?
We consider Loom Network received after 40 blockchain confirmations.